Networked � meaning community-ed in the technological dimension � Thanks to social networking sites � Twitter, facebook, orkut which have literally simulated communication in the real world in all forms(chatting, video �conferencing, voice-chat) and media (photos, videos, etc).
Twitter has been making news as a social networking site; not only for its micro-blogging platform, but also for the wider window it gives its users to know what is happening in the twitter community. Updates(news, festivals, holidays) get flashed almost instantly on the home page, giving the seekers what they want in the first step itself.
The concept of microblogging has become synonymous with twitter, making it a microcosm of social networking. The restraint of character usage in blog text is an added advantage where the twitterer (user) summarizes his posts in a crisp and concise manner; the blogging potential is thus drilled to bring out more relevant, punchy and short texts- pith and precise to add more meaning to the �glance through quick� factor. Yes, in the web world, reading has taken a finer edge of �browsing� but with sustained interest. What�s crisp is sure to catch the eye and twitter�s interface simply props up the byline of microblogging. Additionally, social networking, as a meaningful and purposeful concept gets a wider scope through twitter. For one, tweets are platform-compatible � as most of the devices from your iPAd to mobile phone are twitter-enabled; as against other social networking sites, where the �largesse� factor comes into the picture, from the site-dimensions to features and utilities and user-base. With other sites, the hi-end interface tends to hinder direct navigation to the objective, forcing the user to take roundabout ways to reach the goal; unlike in twitter, where the methods to reach your objective are direct and simple. Which is why with twitter as the interface your profile (either professional or personal) has a wider scope to have a bigger following(you establish a direct link with people who like you) and a bigger network.
Twitter as a social networking site hosts a wide range of apps the latest being twubble: which helps you find interesting people on twitter, to �follow�; twitter local is a service, which helps you find people in your locality, with inputs such as location and the radius of search in your locality; TwitterWho helps you solve the mystery of a friend whose username you don�t know or have forgotten; and there is the very interesting apps called �twits like me�, which will help you find people who share your interests. If you want to track the twitterer with the biggest fan following or some celebrity then simply log onto the twitDir, get a �sneak peek� into the prolific twitterers.
Moving over to the business arm of Twitter, which as a social networking site; extends and strengthens the bonding of a social community through a binding in trust, commitment and forward, to a business relationship. Some twitter client services designed with the business objective in mind are Hootsuite with an interface to schedule tweets, team management, multiple account management; co-tweet for the corporate users; TweetDeck, which preceded Hootsuite and Co-tweet, serving desktop clients; Buzzom sporting many account management tools such as followers management, people search etc typical for a business requirement.
Twitter started small but made it to achieve big through its short yet impacting tweets on the web-medium. Synchronizing with the Internet-buzz, with services such as web development, graphic design, logo design and a wide spectrum of web-enabled services is Rarefly, web design company Chennai. When you look for web or SEO services India, Rarefly comes to the fore, with customer-satisfaction at the forefront of its quality assurance. In short, Rarefly tweets �Expertise with a wide-web of experience�, causing a twitter for a bigger turnover of your online business.
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Britto is a internet marketer and has been in this field for long time
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