Saturday, July 7, 2012

Genel Durum

Soğuk savaş sonrası tek küresel güç kalmanın dayanılmaz hafifliği ile yükselmeye devam eden ABD gerek başarısız dış politika hamleleri, gerekse iç dünyasında yaşanan islam fobisi, artan borç yükü, eskiyen teknoloji ve altyap, bozuk sosyal güvenlik politikaları ve halkının görece cahilliği ( bu cahillik kavramı okur yazarlıktan ziyade dış dünya ile ilgili yanlış ya da eksik bilgileri ifade etmektedir) gibi önemli sorunlarının çözümsüz kalması sonucu son beş yılına zayıflamakta olan bir trend ile girmiştir. Simgesel olarak özgürlük özgürlük ve demokrasinin kalesi olan ABD son dönemde yapmış olduğu bölgesel müdehaleler ve şahin ağırlıklı Bush dönemi sonrası kendisine duyulan sempatiyi büyük oranda kaybetmiştir. Son Obama dönemi biraz katkıda bulunsa da içinde bulunan süreç Obama yönetiminin de şahinleşmesine sebep olacağından bu sempatinin tekrar kazanılması zor olacaktır. Ayrıca 2007 krizi bu kocaman ekonominin aslında çok kırılgan olabileceğini de göstermiştir. Benzer şekilde hızlı ama ayarsız büyüyen AB için de benzer sorunlar söz konusudur. Gerek azalan genç nüfus, gerek çok uluslu karar almanın zorlukları, ortak bir ekonomi politikasının tam olarak mevcut olmaması ve 2007 ile 2012 ekonomik krizinde alınan ağır darbeler ve kırılganlığın halen devam ediyor olması; birliği neredeyse kırılma noktasına getirmiştir. Şu an her ne kadar resmen telafuz edilmese de pratikte, Almanya, Hollanda, Fransa çekirdek ve diğer ülkeler dış olmak üzere ikiye bölünme yaşanmaktadır. Bunun dışında İngiltere özel konumu ile ve Kuzey Avrupa ülkeleri ayrılma eğilimleri ile ilgi çekicidir. Bir yandan ABD, bir yandan AB kısaca bir bütün olarak BATI artık tam uyum içinde değildir. Bu durum, kanımca, özgürlük ve demokrasi olarak hedef alınan BATI bloğunun bu misyon için yeterliliğinin tartışıldığı bir döneme girildiğinin göstergesidir. ABD nin nükler koruma şemsiyesinin altında huzurlu bir şekilde büyüten Avrupa, Japonya, Türkiye ve Ortadoğu ülkeleri beraberce sembolik bir BATI misyonunu adım, adım takip etmekte ve uygulamaktaydılar. Bu koruma kalkanı dünyanın tümünü soğuk savaş ve sonrası barış ve görece refah içinde tutan yegane unsur olmuştur. Son dönemde ABD dış politikaları ve ekonomisinde yaşanmakta olan zayıflamanın etkileri açıkça gözlenmektedir. En azından Türkiye örneğine bakarsak, Cumhuriyet kuruluşundan bu yana komşuları ya da civar ülkelerden doğrudan ya da dolaylı tehdit almayan ülkemiz so iki yılda İran, İsrail, Kuzey Irak ve Suriye üzerinden sorunlar yaşamıştır. Esas sorun bu zayıflamanın devam etmesi ya da tekrar toparlanma süreci doğrultusunda ABD nin planladığı olas bölgesel yetki devirlerinde gecikmeler ya da başarısızlıklar yaşanması durumudur. Zayıflayan ya da güç toparlama adına içe kapanacak bir ABD durumunda tek kutuplu dünya düzeninden bölgesel ve çok kutuplu dünya düzenine geçiş kaçınılmaz olacaktır. Burada da sorun kutuplardan hiçbirinin ABD tarzı küresel bir güç ve yayılıma sahip olamayacağı gerçeğidir. Bu durum dünya için daha kararsız bir denge anlamına geleceği gibi sürekli bir güç savaşı da kaçınılmaz hale gelecektir. İlk bakışta yeni dünya düzeninin doğal adayları Çin, Rusya, Almanya ve ABD olacaktır. Bu 4 ülkeyi zıt kutuplar olarak takip edecek ülkeler olarak ise Pakistan, Hindistan ve Brezilya sayılabilir. Brezilya ve ABD ile ilşkileri bozula bir Meksika önderliğinde Güney Amerika bir bütün olarak da sahneye çıkabilir. Pakistan ve İran ekonomik büyüklükleri ile değil agresif ve ezilmiş hisseden yaklaşımları ve nükler güce sahip olmaları nedeni ile listeye girmeye hak kazanmışlardır. Bunların dışında önem taşıyan ve bölgesel liderliğe tabi ki ABD desteği ile planlı olarak 3 ülke daha katılmalıdır. Bu ülkeler Japonya, İsrail ve Türkiye dir. Bu ülkeler arasından Çin ve Türkiye nin ön plana çıkacağını kişisel olarak ön görmekteyim. Bu nedenle önümüzdeki 50 yıl içerisinde bu 2 ülke arasında dolaylı ya da doğrudan çatışmalar kaçınılmaz olacaktır. Suriye krizindeki tutum bu konuda ilk örneği zaten oluşturmuştur. Bu nedenle önümüzdeki 10 yıl içerisinde Türkiye kontrollü bir nükler program başlatabilir. Daha sonraki yazılarımda Rusya ile Türkiye arasındaki farklardan ve olası senaryolardan daha detaylı bahsetmeyi düşünüyorum. Fakat şu an özetle Rusya liderlik savaşında enerji kaynakları ve nükler güç dışında daha zayıf konumdadır. Gerek Avrupaya kabülü gerek bölgesel kabul konusunda aslen Türkiye daha avantajlı durumda olacaktır. Önümüzdeki 25 yıl stratejik olarak çok önem arz eden Avrasya üzerinde söz sahibi olma ve bölgeyi politik ve gerekirse askeri anlamda şekillendirme çalışma ve çatışmaları ile geçecektir. Bu bölgede AB, Çin, Rusya ve Türkiye nin adını sık, sık duyacağız. AB yaşlı nüfusu ve sınırlı hammadde ihtiyacını dengeleme, Rusya tekrar güç toplama ve bölgesel-nostaljik liderlik misyonu, Çin ekonomik büyümesinin gereği yayılmacılığının sürdürülebilirliği ve Türkiye ise büyük islam yayının liderliği adına çalışmalarını sürdürecektir. Burada sözünü ettiğim büyük islam yayı kendi terimim olup, Amerika kıtasında yayılan neo islam modeli( mezhep farklarını göz ardı eden daha liberal bir yaklaşım), Afrika-Ortadoğu ve Malezya-Endonezya yani Uzakdoğuya uzana büyük bir yayı andıtran islam yayılmasını ifade etmektedir. Türkiye nin izlemesi gereken politikalar bir başka yazı konusu olmasına rağmen, belirtilmesi gereken liberal neo islam modelli Amerika kıtası ve Hindu-Budist kökler üzerine kurulmuş Uzakdoğu İslam anlayışını kuzaklayacak bir liderlik arayışında; Türkiye mezhep ayrılıklarından arınmış ve olabildiğine modernist bir tutum içerisinde olmak zorunda kalacaktır. Sonuç olarak dünya çok kutuplu bir güçler dengesi modeline geçiş yapmakta olu, önümüzdeki 50 yılın politikaları bu bağlamda düzenlenmelidir. Yeni liderleri kabullenme ya da yeni liderliklere soyunma konusunda strateji ve iç-dış politikalar şekillendirilmelidir. Not: Kullandığım bilgisayarda üstten kesme işaretini bulamadığım için sadece ek ayrıma yapmak zorunda kaldım lütfen yazım hatası olarak görmeyin.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Degisen dengeler ve Ortadogu'nun yakin gelecegi.

1. dunya savasindan beri dunyanin geri kalanindan izole olmanin verdigi guven ortamiu ile buyuyen ABD, dunya liderligini 2. dunya savasi sonrasinda tam olarak percinlemisti. Soguk savas sirasinda iki kutuplu dunya duzenine alisan ulkeler ABD'nin kayitsiz sartsiz olarak gerek simgesel, gerek ekonomik ve gerek silah ustunlugunu kabul etmis ve degismeyecekmiscesine bu duzene gore geleceklerini planlamislardi. Sovyet blogunun dagilmasinin ardindan ortaya cikan tablo, aslinda Rusya,nin aslinda dusunuldugu kadar buyuk bir guc olmadigini ortaya koydu. Bu durumda ABD tek lider ulke olarak arenada kalinca yaklasik 30 yil sure ile dunya gorece bir denge ve kaosdan uzak donem yasadi. Ta k' 2007 yilinda yasanan mali krize kadar. Bu kriz dunyaya dokunulamaz gorulen ABD'nin de kuresel anlamda kirilgan oldugunu gosterdi. Ve kanimca ABD'nin, eger gerekli onlemler alinmaz ise, dususu de baslamis oldu. Burada asil onemli olan zayiflayan bir ABD'nin dunya dengelerini nasil degistirecegidir. ABD sonrasi hic bir ekonomi ya da silahsal guc tek basina dunya liderligine birakin oynamayi aday olabilecek buyuklukte bile degildir. Bu durumda onumuzdeki 20 yil icerisinde eger ABD'nin dususu onlenemez ise dunya cok kutuplu ve daha kaotik bir doneme girecektir.Bu degisim sirasinda yeni gruplasmalar ve coklu lider ulkeler ortaya cikacaktir. Orneklemek gerekirse ABD, Cin, Hindistan ve Rusya gerek nufus ve gerek ekonomik buyukluk olarak coklu lider odaklarindan olacaktir. Bunun yaninda Almanya-Hollanda-Fransa bir yanda ve diger orta avrupa ulkeleri bir yanda olmak uzere olusacak bir cok paktlar ortaya cikabilir. Bunlar Rusya-Gurcistan-Beyaz Rusya, Brezilya'nin basi cekecegi guney amerika ve Turkiye'nin basi cekecegi islam ulkeleri olabilir. ABD'nin bolgesel kontrolun maliyetine katlanmak istemedigi gun geldiginde icazet verilerek Sudi Arabistan, Bahreyn, Katar, Kuveyt ve BAE ile arap yarimadasi, Azerbaycan ve Turkmenistan ile asya kokenli bir islam birligi adimlari atilabilir. Bu birlige Pakistan, Afganistan ve Malezya gibi ulkelerin katilmasini beklemek cok naifce olacaktir zira o ulkeler Cin'in ya da ABD destekli Japonya'nin liderlikleri arasinda secim yapmak zorunda olduklari bir donemde olacaklardir. Bu gelismeler isiginda ortadogu ise biraz daha karmasik ve cok eksenli bir kavga icinde kalacaktir. Hatta sicak bir savas durumu bile ortaya cikabilir. Soyleki zayiflayan bir ABD liderliginde yalniz kalacak ilk ve en onemli ulke Israil dir. israil bolgede varligini surdurmek icin yeni bir lider bulma durumundadir. Bu durumda Cin iyi bir secim olamayacagindan Rusya kozu oynanacaktir ki oynanmaya baslanmistir bile. Ote yandan gerek bolge ulkeleri ve gerek Turkiye acisindan bolgede Rus hakimiyeti ya da payi kabul edilemez durumdadir. Bu nedenle bolge icin yeni bir olusum ve paktlasma soz konusu olacaktir. Bu durumda yavas, yavas misyonunu tamamlamis NATO'dan kopan Turkiye liderliginde bir olusum olasidir. Yanlis anlamayin bu olusum ABD icazeti ve plani dahilinde olacaktir. ABD maliyeti azaltma amacli ileri us karakolu mantigi ile dunyayi kaostan koruma amacli ve kendi paralelinde yeni ve coklu liderli bir dunya duzeni kuracaktir. Bu sicak donemde Iran ortada kalacagindan yuzunu Cin'e donecegi mutlaktir. Bu durumda her ne kadar Rusya destegi var gibi gorunse de Iran acisindan cografi olarak daha uzak Cin ortakligi daha mantikli olacaktir. Tum bu denge savaslari ve stratejik planlamalar suresince en cabuj isinacak ve cok degiskenli denklem olan ortadogu'da sicak catismalar cikmasi ve bunlarin yakin gelecekte olmasi mutemeldir. Bu catismalar Israil-Iran, Israil-Suriye ve Israil-Filistin ekseninde olacaktir, Tek korkulu senaryo ise su an mevcut Suriye-Turkie sorununun tirmanarak bolgedeki topyekun bir savasin tetikleyicisi olma riskidir. En ufak bir sicak catisma durumunda Israil'in hic durmaksizin Iran'i vurmaya yeltenecegini dusunmek ne cocukca ne de gerceklerden uzak bir olasiliktir. Er ya da gec olacak bir savasin normal termininden belki 1-2 yil oncesine tasinmasi anlamina gelecektir. Sonuc olarak ABD onumuzdeki 20 yilin kademeli yetki devirlerinin planina ve uygulamasina kanimca baslamis durumda bu devir asamasi saglikli ve kontrollu, ya da en azindan planlandigi gibi olmaz ise, dunya dengesiz ve cok kutuplu bir doneme gececektir. Bu kacinilmaz.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

NATO Toplantısının ardından

4. maddenin çalışmasını talep edilmesinin ardından yapılan Nato toplantısından çıkan bildiri bu şekilde. Zaten beklendiği şekilde çıktı fakat bazı konuları yorumlamadan edemeyeceğim. Öncelikle, her ne kadar görüş ayrılıklarım olsa da ve AKP yönetiminde T.C. Devleti kanımca bu krizi oldukça başarılı yönetti. NATO ve Uluslararası teammüllere uygun yollardan gidilmesi ve fevri davranılmaması bizler adına uluslararsaı camianın Suriye'yi kınaması sonucunu doğurdu. Ayrıca bir sonraki misilleme hareketlerimize de resmi zemin hazırlanmış oldu. Bu oldukça basit görünen NATO bildirisinin asıl anlamı ise yine kanımca şu şekilde. Suriye tarafından fütursuz biz hareket gelmedikçe, zaten talep edilmemiş olan 5. maddenin çalıştırılması arzu edilmemektedir. Uluslararası camiada suçlu Suriye kabul edilmiştir. Rusya haricinde, Çin dahil net destekçisi yoktur. Ve en önemlisi Suriye tarafından kara, hava ya da deniz ihlali gerçekleştiğinde, misilleme amaçlı doğrudan karşılık verilecektir. Yani Suriye'nin kullandığı sistem kullanılarak sınırlarımız için her türlü ihlali tehdit kabul ederek doğrudan karşılık vereceğiz. Bu durum Suriye açısından 1. çok dikkatli sınır uçuşları zorunluluğu 2. Deniz hareketliğinde kendisinin değil de Türkiye'nin kabul ettiği kıta sahanlığına kesin uymayı 3. Mülteci kamplarına kafasına estikçe ateş açma döneminin artık kapandığı ve bunun kara sınırlarında agresif bir yaklaşım algısı doğuracağı gerçeğini doğurmaktadır. Bu bağlamda önümüzdeki günlerde gerçekleşebilecek bir misilleme hareketinin oluşması Suriye'nin güvendiği Rusya'nın desteği nedeniyle bir maceraya atılması demek olacaktır. Hali hazırda Rusya'nın dünya liderliğine oynama adına bölgede tekrar başrol istemesi; Afganistan fiyaskosundan sonra gayet doğaldır. Fakat önemli olan bu başrol oynama isteği ile Rusya'nın risk almak istemesi doğal iken, bu oyuna alet olabilecek ülkelerin risk almak isteyip istememeleri ya da bu risklerin almaya değer olup olmadığı iyi tartılmalıdır. Yine paralel şekilde ABD ve AB'nin de bölge üzerindeki planları nedeni ile gösterebilecekleri aşırı destek de Türkiye açısından iyice tartılması gereken bir durum ve risk olarak kalacaktır.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Avrupa borç krizi derinleşiyor

Avrupa borç krizi derinleşiyor ABD ekonomisindeki görece olumlu durum, belki daha sert bir düşüşü önlemekte. Avrupa yakasında ise olumlu bir gelişme beklentisi neredeyse sıfır ve bunun yannda AB Merkez Bankası da biraz amatörce bir sessizlik içerisinde. FED’in gösterdiği açık ve belirgin yaklaşımı gösteremeyen ve çoklu devletlerden oluşan bir Merkez Bankası olmanın zayıflığını açıkça belli eden bir görünümde ECB. Şu an için sermaye piyasalarına olan etkisi oldukça sert hissedilen borç krizi daha da artıp, likidite ve mevduat krizine dönerse işimiz çok zor olacaktır. Olası bir güven krizi mevduat krizini tetikleyecek ve bankacılık sektörü ile başlayacak bir reel sektör krizini tetikleyecektir. Zaten Baltık Dry Endeksi son 2 aydır hiç te olumlu sinyaller vermiyor; hele son iki hafta içler acısı. Krizin merkezinde Avrupa var. Kriz temel olarak 3 kısımdan oluşuyor kanımca. Öncelikle bir güven krizi var. Bu krizin iki ana ayağı var. Yunanistan ve Hollande. Bilindiği gibi Yunanistan AB ve IMF ile anlaşarak borçlarının önemli bir kısmını sildirtmiş ve alınacak önlemlere koşut mali destek sağlamıştı. Ardından yaşadığı seçim sonrası hükümet kuramayan Yuanistan 17 Haziran’da yeniden sandığa gidiyor. Bu kez sandıktan tüm anlaşmaları iptal edeceğini beyan eden bir partinin zaferle çıkacağı nerede ise mutlak. Bu durum tam bir güven bunalımı yaratıyor. Yunanistan’ın Avro Birliğinden çıkması ciddi olarak gündemde. Hatta Fitch notu CCC’ye indirdi bile. Yunanistan’ın Avro Birliği’nden çıkması konusunda bir çok yorumcu bence şu hataya düşüyor. Hata ise Yunanistan’ın birlikte kalması ya da çıkmasının birliğe maliyetine göre karar alınacağı yaklaşımı. Kimse Yunanistan’ın maliyet ne olursa olsun karar alabileceğini ya da Yunanistan için kendisi açısından birlikten çıkmanın daha az maliyetli olacağını hesaplıyor olması ihtimalini göz ardı ediyoruz. Kısaca Yunanistan saatli bir bomba, kesinlikle patlayacak ve fünyesi bulunsa da devreden çıkartılamayacak bir bomba. Sadece sayaç ne gösteriyor onu bilmiyoruz. Bence ikinci önemli güven bunalımı ise Merkel-Hollande uyumu ya da uyumsuzluğu. Bakış açısına göre değişir. Avrupa Mali Paktına imza koyan bir Sarkozy’nin aksine, paktı tartışmaya açmaya ya da halka götürmeye kararlı görünüyor. İki büyük ülkenin, büyük anlaşmazlığı birliği nereye götürür onu kestirmek çok zor. Krizin ikinci ve ana bölümü ise bankacılık sorunları. İspanya ve İtalya bankacılık sistemi çatırdıyor. İspanya Bankia’yı kamulaştırarak bir ilke imza attı. Öte yandan İspanya’nın aldığı önlemler piyasaları mutlu etmiyor. İspanya halkı da mutlu değil, tam bir açmaz. Moodys 16 İspanyol ve 26 İtalyan bankasının notunu düşürdü. Tahvil faiz oranları artıyor. Birkaç ay önce bankacılık sektörünün iyileştirmesinin maliyeti 150-200 milyar Avro olarak öngörülüyordu. İspanya’da sadece 1 bankanın 10 milyar sermaye ve 30 milyar likidite ihtiyacı olduğu görülünce hesabın yanlışlığı ortaya çıktı. Tüm bu sorunları ve açmazları yakından takip eden mevduat sahipleri ise normal tepkiye başladılar. Mevduatları çekerek güvenli liman olan Dolar, ABD, Almanya ve Japonya tahvilleri ile olası Altın alımlarına başladılar ya da başlayacaklar. Bu durum artan hızla devam eder ise bankalar yükselen faizler ve bozulan ekonomi ile artan batık kredi ve çekilen mevduat ile beraber kıskaca girebilir. Bu durum sermayelerin erimesine ve kırılmalara sebep olur ve batışlar başlar. Krizin bence son ama önemli bir ayağı da gelişmekte olan Pazar ekonomilerindeki durum. Çin ve Hindistan gibi %10 ortalamalar ile ve Rusya, Malezya ve Türkiye gibi %6-7 ortalamalar ile dünya büyümesini destekleyen ülkelerde beklenen performanslar görülmüyor. Çin’de hammadde talebi ve konut fiyatları düşüyor. Rusya ve Türkiye gibi ülkelerin ticaret hacmi düşmekte. Bu durum dünya ticaretini ve mal borsalarını doğrudan etkiliyor. Petrol ve Bakır fiyatlarındaki düşüş bu talep düşüşüne bağlanmakta. Yunanistan ile başlayacak bir Avro Birliği çözülmesi Portekiz, İrlanda ve İzlanda hatta İspanya gibi devletlerce takip edilebilir. Tam bir domino etkisi. Bu durum AvroDolar paritesinde 1.15 seviyelerinin altını göreceğimiz hareketler başlatabilir. Bu durum sepet yaklaşımı kullanan ve hedge mekanizması olmayan tüm şirket ve ülkeleri zor duruma sokacaktır. Sıcak para güvenli limanlara kaçacak ve tam bir likidite krizi kapıyı çalacaktır. Peki tüm bu olumsuzluklara karşın yapılabilecek birşeyler yok mu? Aslında tüm yük merkez bankalarının üzerinde bence. Krizi hafifletecek hatta tersine döndürecek yaklaşım merkez bankalarından gelmeli. Öncelikle bankacılık sistemine güveni tesis edecek parasal genişleme sağlanmalı. ECB tahvil alımları ve FED Q3 parasal genişlemeyi yapmalı. Ülke merkez bankaları ise daha destekçi olmalı ve likidite artmalı. Benim şahsi görüşüm kemerler biraz gevşetilmeli, piyasalara kamu desteği gelmeli yani devletçilik yaklaşımı kullanılmalı ve harcamalar artırılarak piyasa canlandırılmalı. Sadece kemer sıkarak bir yerlere varmamız zor görünüyor. Eğer doğru ya da yanlış herhangi bir adım atılmaz ise piyasa zaten tek başına bırakıldığı hissi ile çöküşe başlamak üzere. Piyasa sahipsiz kalmayı istemiyor. Belki de tam liberal özel sektör yaklaşımından biraz devletçi, kamusal yaklaşıma geçme zamanı geldi. Özel sektör iyi durumda acımasız ve karlı olabiliyor fakat krizlerde devletten isteme ve yükü halkın üzerine bırakma geleneği terk edilmiş değil. Saygılarımla

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

GANN 9'un karesi ikinci çalışma

Ne kadar detaya inersem o kadar şaşırtıcı sonuçlar almaya başladım.  Ve öncelikle önemli birşey öğrendim onu paylaşmak istiyorum;  eğer Gann tekniklerini kullanacaksanız kesinlikle ön yargılı olmayacaksınız.  Ben başından beri bu çıkışı anlamsız buluyordum ve her fırsatta bunu da vurguluyordum; ancak piyasaya ve trende karşı debelenmek rüzgara karşı ...... ye benziyor.  Bunun üzerine piyasa ya gerçekten yukarı ise gözlüğünü takdım ve zaman/fiyat karelerini el ile hazırladım.  Ayrıca grafik çalışmaları da el ile hazırlayarak ki aşağıda jpg leri paylaştığım gibi şu sonuçlara ulaştım.  Bunları yazarken hala içimdeki ayı pazarı yönü ağır bassa da sonuçlar dehşet uyandırı şekilde uyum içinde.

Yazısal olarak Ulusal 100 endeksi 12 Şubat haftası 64.000 ve Yakın vade IMKB 30 kontratı ise 84.000 seviyesine ulaşabilir.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Gann 9'un karesi 15 günlük endeks tahmini

Son dönemde çalışmakta olduğum Gann 9'un karesi (square of nine) metodolojisi ile aşağıdaki çaılşmayı yaptım.  Grafik 22.5, 45, 90 ve 11.25 derecelik açıları içermektedir.  60.140 seviyesine göre peryod 7.78 = 8  gün olarak tespit edilmiştir.  Dikey çizgiler 8 günlük peryod yatay seviyeler ise hesaplanan gann seviyeleridir.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Huseyin Gokhan Orucoglu: GBPUSD Shi Channel pozisyon sonuclari

Huseyin Gokhan Orucoglu: GBPUSD Shi Channel pozisyon sonuclari: Oncelikle lutfen disclaimer bolumunu dikkatlice okuyunuz. GBPUSD Paritesi 1 saatlik grafik uzerinde uygulanan teknik analiz sonucu asagidak...

GBPUSD Shi Channel pozisyon sonuclari

Oncelikle lutfen disclaimer bolumunu dikkatlice okuyunuz. GBPUSD Paritesi 1 saatlik grafik uzerinde uygulanan teknik analiz sonucu asagidaki islem olasiligi gorulmektedir. Islemler limit order olarak verilecektir. Limit sell at 1.5340 Stop loss at 1.5370 1/2 Take profit at 1.5260 1/2 Take profit at 1.5180 Arzu edilirse 1.5250 seviyesinin asagisinda stop loss basabas noktasina tasinabilir.


TURKIYE'NIN EKONOMIK GOSTERGELERI (TABLO) TURKIYE'NIN SON EKONOMIK GOSTERGELERI SON ONCEKI SECILMIS EKONOMIK GOSTERGELER DONEM VERI VERI --------------------------------------- ------ ----- ---- GSYH SABIT FIY. ARTIS HIZI 3.CEYREK %+8.2 %+8.8 KISI BASINA GSYH (2010) (USD) 10.067 10.079 ----------------------------------------------------------------- TCMB POLITIKA FAIZ ORANI %5.75 %5.75 ----------------------------------------------------------------- TOPLAM SANAYI SEKTORU URETIM (YILLIK DEG) KASIM %+8.4 %+7.4 IMALAT SANAYI URETIM ENDEKSI (YILLIK DEG) KASIM %+7.6 %+7.2 IMALAT SANAYI KAPASITE KULLANIM ORANI ARALIK %75.5 %76.9 ----------------------------------------------------------------- TURKIYE NUFUSU 2010 73.722.988 72.561.312 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ISSIZLIK ORANI EKIM %9.1 %8.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ISKUR'A BASVURAN ISSIZLERIN SAYISI ARALIK 112,755 100,755 ------------------------------------------------------------------- SANAYIDE ISTIHDAM (CEYREKLIK BAZDA) 3.CEYREK %+1.4 %+2.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- TICARET-HIZMET SEKTOR ISTIHDAMI (3 AYLIK) 3.CEYREK %+2.7 %+5.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------ INSAAT SEKTORU ISTIHDAMI (YILLIK) 3.CEYREK %-0.5 %+4.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ISGUCU MALIYETI ENDEKSI (SAATLIK) 3.CEYREK %+9.5 %+9.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------ SAATLIK KAZANC ENDEKSI 3.CEYREK %+10.1 %+9.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------ TUKETICI FIYATLARI ENDEKSI (AYLIK %) ARALIK %+0.58 %+1.73 TUKETICI FIYATLARI ENDEKSI (YILLIK %) ARALIK %+10.45 %+9.48 URETICI FIYATLARI ENDEKSI (AYLIK %) ARALIK %+1.00 %+0.65 URETICI FIYATLARI ENDEKSI (YILLIK %) ARALIK %+13.33 %+13.67 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ITO PERAKENDE FIYAT ENDEKSI (AYLIK %) ARALIK %+1.12 %+1.75 ITO TOPTAN FIYAT ENDEKSI (AYLIK %) ARALIK %+0.47 %+1.53 ------------------------------------------------------------------- TUFE BAZLI REEL EFEKTIF DOVIZ KURU ARALIK 109.16 110.38 UFE BAZLI REEL EFEKTIF DOVIZ KURU ARALIK 107.74 106.97 ------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPLAM IHRACAT (MILYON $) KASIM 11,114 11,920 TOPLAM ITHALAT (MILYON $) KASIM 18,647 19,915 DIS TICARET DENGESI (MILYON $) KASIM -7,533 -7,994 IHRACATIN ITHALATI KARSILAMA ORANI % KASIM 59,6 59,9 TOPLAM IHRACAT (MILYON $) OCAK-KASIM 122,502 111,398 TOPLAM ITHALAT (MILYON $) OCAK-KASIM 220,233 201,581 DIS TICARET DENGESI (MILYON $) OCAK-KASIM -97,730 -90,183 IHRACATIN ITHALATI KARSILAMA ORANI % OCAK-KASIM 55,6 55,3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- TIM VERILERINE GORE IHRACAT (MILYON $) ARALIK 12,069 10,758 ------------------------------------------------------------------- IHRACAT BIRIM DEGER ENDEKSI (YILLIK %) KASIM %+4.5 %+5.2 ITHALAT BIRIM DEGER ENDEKSI (YILLIK %) KASIM %+9.3 %+12 IHRACAT MIKTAR ENDEKSI (YILLIK %) KASIM %+13.2 %+3.4 ITHALAT MIKTAR ENDEKSI (YILLIK %) KASIM %-0.4 %+2.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------- TURKIYE'NIN KREDI NOTLARININ SON DURUMU (DOVIZ CINSI) KREDI DERECELENDIRME KURULUSU: S&P: BB (POZITIF) MOODY'S: BA2 (POZITIF) FITCH: BB+ (DURAGAN) JCR: BB (DURAGAN) ------------------------------------------------------------------- MERKEZI YONETIM BUTCE GIDERLERI (MLN TL) ARALIK 40,974 26,886 MERKEZI YONETIM BUTCE GELIRLERI ARALIK 23,096 29,032 MERKEZI YONETIM BUTCE DENGESI ARALIK -17,878 +2,146 FAIZ DISI DENGE ARALIK -16,652 +5,658 MERKEZI YONETIM BUTCE GIDERLERI OCAK-ARALIK 313,302 272,328 MERKEZI YONETIM BUTCE GELIRLERI OCAK-ARALIK 295,862 272,767 MERKEZI YONETIM BUTCE DENGESI OCAK-ARALIK -17,439 +439 FAIZ DISI DENGE OCAK-ARALIK +24,773 +41,425 ------------------------------------------------------------------ HAZINE FAIZ DISI DENGESI (MILYON TL) ARALIK -5.513 -1,120 HAZINE NAKIT DENGESI (MILYON TL) ARALIK -6.777 -4,493 ------------------------------------------------------------------ MERKEZI YONETIM BRUT BORC STOKU(MILYAR TL) KASIM 514.1 511.1 IC BORC STOKU KASIM 366.4 368.0 DIS BORC STOKU KASIM 147.7 143.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- TURKIYE'NIN BRUT DIS BORC STOKU(MYR USD) 3.CEYREK 309,6 310.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------ TURKIYE'NIN NET DIS BORC STOKU (MYR USD) 3.CEYREK 182,3 179,8 ------------------------------------------------------------------ TURKIYE'NIN TOPLAM KAMU NET BORC STOKU 3.CEYREK 293,1 300,8 (MILYAR TL) ------------------------------------------------------------------ TURKIYE'NIN ULUSLARARASI YUKUMLULUKLERI EKIM 529,64 513,50 (MILYAR USD) ------------------------------------------------------------------ OZEL SEKTORUN YURTDISINDAN SAGLADIGI UZUN VADELI KREDI BORCU (MILYAR DOLAR) EKIM 126,1 123,6 ------------------------------------------------------------------- ODEMELER DENGESI (MILYON USD) KASIM -5,188 -4,161 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ULUSLARARASI DOGRUDAN YATIRIM GIRISI KASIM 510 436 (MILYON USD) ----------------------------------------------------------------- YABANCI ZIYARETCILER (BIN KISI) KASIM 1,596 3,040 OCAK-KASIM 30,261 28,665 TURIZM GELIRI (MILYON DOLAR) 3. CEYREK 9,339 5,372 ------------------------------------------------------------------ TCMB RESMI REZERV VARLIKLARI(MILYON USD) KASIM 95,049 92,420 ------------------------------------------------------------------- TUIK-TCMB TUKETICI GUVEN ENDEKSI ARALIK 92.0 91.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ TCMB REEL KESIM GUVEN ENDEKSI KASIM 97.2 102.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------ TUIK HIZMET SEKTORU GUVEN ENDEKSI ARALIK 97.7 101.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ TUIK INSAAT SEKTORU GUVEN ENDEKSI ARALIK 81.8 83.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------ TUIK PERAKENDE SEKTORU GUVEN ENDEKSI ARALIK 92.9 98.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------ OECD 'TURKIYE ONCU GOSTERGELER' ENDEKSI EKIM 100.97 100.95 ------------------------------------------------------------------ CNBC-E TUKETICI GUVEN ENDEKSI ARALIK 89.63 88.29 ------------------------------------------------------------------ TURKIYE IMALAT SANAYI PMI ARALIK 52.0 52.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------ YENI KURULAN SIRKET SAYISI (ADET) KASIM 3,529 4,354 KAPANAN SIRKET SAYISI (ADET) KASIM 773 909 ------------------------------------------------------------------ KARSILIKSIZ CEK ADEDI (BANKA BILDIRIMLERI) ARALIK 60,234 69,936 ------------------------------------------------------------------- NEGATIF BIREYSEL KREDI VE KREDI KARTLARI KASIM 131,478 84,226 ------------------------------------------------------------------- PROTESTOLU SENETLERIN SAYISI KASIM 86,159 77,899 ------------------------------------------------------------------- MOTORLU ARAC SATISI * (TOPLAM, ADET) ARALIK 134,281 66,714 ** OSD VERILERI OCAK-ARALIK 910.867 774.861 ------------------------------------------------------------------- TRAFIGE KAYDEDILEN MOTORLU TASITLAR EKIM 90,733 89,728 ------------------------------------------------------------------- KONUT SATISLARI 3. CEYREK 101,754 107,308 YAPI RUHSATI VERILEN BINALAR (YILLIK) OCAK-EYLUL %+8.3 %-18.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- SANAYI CIRO ENDEKSI (AYLIK) KASIM %-13.6 %+5.8 SANAYI SIPARIS ENDEKSI (AYLIK) KASIM %-11.7 %+5.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- TICARET-HIZMET CIRO ENDEKSI (YILLIK) 3.CEYREK %+21.0 %+22.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------- INSAAT SEKTORU CIRO ENDEKSI (YILLIK) 3.CEYREK %+4.5 %+10.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------- INSAAT SEKTORU URETIM ENDEKSI (YILLIK) 3.CEYREK %+10.7 %+13.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- TURKIYE ELEKTRIK TUKETIMI (MILYON KWH) KASIM 18,928 18,742 -------------------------------------------------------------------- TURKIYE ELEKTRIK URETIMI (MILYON KWH) KASIM 18,969 18,708 --------------------------------------------------------------------

EURUSD Gap ile acildi.

Haftanin ilk islemleri Uzakdogu'da basladi. EURUSD gap ile acildi ve su an 1.2639 seviyelerinde islem goruyor. Avrupa acililisi ile beraber Uzakdogu gapleri genelde kapatilma egilimindedir. Pozisyon alirken buna dikkat etmek faydali olabilir. Fakat haftanin genelinde satis baskisi muhtemelen devam edecektir. Bu haftanin programindaki CPI ve Cekirdek CPI rakamlari, Alman ZEW aciklamasi ve ABD Istihdam Talepleri aciklamalari yakin olarak takip edilmeli. Bu hafta icin en onemli destek 1.25655 olarak gorunuyor. Bu seviye kirilirsa EURO daha asagiya gidebilir. Hafta ici asagidaki tarz bir trade sistemi denenebilir. Limit Buy at 1.2580 SL 1.2560 1/2 Take profit at 1.2750 1/2 Take profit at 1.2785 Limit sell at 1.2715 SL 1.2745 1/2 take profit at 1.2600 1/2 take profit at 1.2578 Saygilarimla Gokhan Orucoglu

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Nigerian Scam Sample #6


I am Dr. THOMAS ALI, a personal assistant to Engr. Ishaya Mark Aku, the late honorable minister of sport and social development of federal republic of Nigeria, which sudden death occurred during the ill-fated EAS BAC1-11 plane that crashed in kano, the northern part of Nigeria on the 4th. May 2002.

However I came across your profile, when I traveled to London sometimes ago in company of the late minister, and his cabinet craw where I met some body who knew you very will at BDO stoy Hayward at BAKER`S STREET Central London. ( The Chattered Accounting Firm) in charge of British Government Auditing of NO 10,Downing str. LONDON. I have a confidence and trust in you according to the confidence he has giving me on your behalf so I decided you to handle this transaction of this magnitude.

It is a common knowledge across the globe how some top government officials both civilians and military regime looted Nigerian treasure up to the tune of US$10billion and stashed this loot into various foreign bank accounts in Europe, Asia and America through different fronts. Perhaps I am one of the beneficiaries of this largesse through the late honorable minister (Engr. Mark Aku) who was a member of the inner caucus of the presidential villa in Aso rock, the seat of power in Nigeria.

Presently, I am in possession of US$55million (fifty-five Million Dollars) this fund is part of the kick back on award contract of the construction of the multi-purpose 90.000-seater stadium in Abuja expected to be named after the late minister on its final completion.

The said fund is currently in Cotonou, Republic of Benin a neighboring country to Nigeria for safe-keeping, all I need from you is absolute trust, confident and honesty to invest this fund into a lucrative business venture without any fear.

Finally, if you conceal to this business opportunity I am, ready give you 40% percent of the US$55M then we can talk more about how we are going to invest these money in your county. Please treat this matter with utmost secrecy and urgency for hitch-free transaction. You can also contact me through my e-mail

Kind Regards,


Enhanced by Zemanta

Nigerian Scam Samples #7

From: "MR.EZRA."
Date: Sat, 01 Jun 2002 22:00:24
Subject: Goodmorning

Dear Sir,

I MR. EZRA KOFFI have decided to bestow this trust on you.During our investigation and auditing in this bank, my department came across a very huge sum of money belonging to a deceased person who died on november 1997 in a plane crash and the fund has been dormant in his account with this Bank without any claim of the fund in our custody either from his family or relation before our discovery to this development.

Although personally,I keep this information secret within myself and partners to enable the whole plans and idea be profitable and successful. During the time of execution. The said amount was US$10M(Ten million united states dollars).

As it may interest you to know, I got your impressive information through the business directory at chamber of commerce and Industry here in Lome- Togo where I was seaching for a good relaible contact to do the business with.I was elated the time I saw your address to propose the business to you.

Meanwhile all the whole arrangement to put claim over this fund as the bonafide next of kin to the deceased, get the required approval and transfer this money to a foreign account has been put in place and directives and needed information will be relayed to you as soon as you indicate your interest and willingness to assist us and also benefit your self to this great business opportunity.

In fact I could have done this deal alone but because of my position in this country as a civil servant,we are not allowed to operate a foreign account and would eventually raise an eye brow on my side during the time of transfer because I work in this bank. This is the actual reason why it will require a second party or fellow who will forward claims as the next of kin with affidavit of trust of oath to the Bank and also present a foreign account where he will need the money to be re-transferred into on his request as it may be after due verification and larification by the correspondent branch of the bank,where the whole money will be remitted from to your own designation bank account.

I will not fail to inform you that this transaction is 100% risk free. The sharing rate of this money will be discussed later upon your favourable response showing your zealous determination to assist us but the first priority is your total acceptance and commitment to assist.

Please,you have been adviced to keep top secret as we are still in service and intend to retire from service after we conclude this deal with you. I will be monitoring the whole situation here in this bank until you confirm the money in your account and ask us to come down to your country for subsequent sharing of the fund according to percentages previously indicated and further investment,either in your country or any country you advice us to invest in.All other necessary information will be sent to you when I hear from you.

Best Regard,

Nigerian Scam Sample #5

From: auditt gen []
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 4:14 AM

fax: xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx



Dear sir,

We want to transfer to overseas ($ 152,000.000.00 USD) One hundred and Fifty two million United States Dollars) from a Prime Bank in Africa, I want to ask you to quietly look for a reliable and honest person who will be capable and fit to provide either an existing bank account or to set up a new Bank a/c immediately to receive this money, even an empty a/c can serve to receive this money, as long as you will remain honest to me till the end for this important business trusting in you and believing in God that you will never let me down either now or in future.

I am Mr Obade Williams,the Auditor General of prime banks, during the course of our auditing I discovered a floating fund in an account opened in the bank in 1990 and since 1993 nobody has operated on this account again, after going through some old files in the records I discovered that the owner of the account died without a [heir] hence the money is floating and if I do not remit this money out urgently it will be forfeited for nothing. the owner of this account is Mr. Allan P. Seaman, a foreigner, and an industrialist, and he died, since 1993. and no other person knows about this account or any thing concerning it, the account has no other beneficiary and my investigation proved to me as well that Allan P. Seaman until his death was the manager Diamond Safari [pty]. SA.

We will start the first transfer with fifty two million [$52,000.000] upon successful transaction without any disappoint from your side, we shall re-apply for the payment of the remaining rest amount to your account,

The amount involved is (USD 152M) One hundred and Fifty two million United States Dollars, only I want to first transfer $52,000.000 [fifty two million United States Dollar from this money into a safe foreigners account abroad before the rest, but I don't know any foreigner, I am only contacting you as a foreigner because this money can not be approved to a local person here, without valid international foreign passport, but can only be approved to any foreigner with valid international passport or drivers license and foreign a/c because the money is in us dollars and the former owner of the a/c Mr. Allan P. Seaman is a foreigner too, [and the money can only be approved into a foreign a/c

However, we will sign a binding agreement, to bind us together I got your contact address from the Girl who operates computer, I am revealing this to you with believe in God that you will never let me down in this business, you are the first and the only person that I am contacting for this business, so please reply urgently so that I will inform you the next step to take urgently. Send also your private telephone and fax number including the full details of the account to be used for the deposit.

I want us to meet face to face to build confidence and to sign a binding agreement that will bind us together before transferring the money to any account of your choice where the fund will be safe. Before we fly to your country for withdrawal, sharing and investments.

I need your full co-operation to make this work fine. because the management is ready to approve this payment to any foreigner who has correct information of this account, which I will give to you, upon your positive response and once I am convinced that you are capable and will meet up with instruction of a key bank official who is deeply involved with me in this business. I need your strong assurance that you will never, never let me down.

With my influence and the position of the bank official we can transfer this money to any foreigner's reliable account which you can provide with assurance that this money will be intact pending our physical arrival in your country for sharing. The bank official will destroy all documents of transaction immediately we receive this money leaving no trace to any place and to build confidence you can come immediately to discuss with me face to face after which I will make this remittance in your presence and three of us will fly to your country at least two days ahead of the money going into the account.

I will apply for annual leave to get visa immediately I hear from you that you are ready to act and receive this fund in your account. I will use my position and influence to obtain all legal approvals for onward transfer of this money to your account with appropriate clearance from the relevant ministries and foreign exchange departments.

At the conclusion of this business, you will be given 35% of the total amount, 60% will be for me, while 5% will be for expenses both parties might have incurred during the process of transferring.

I look forward to your earliest reply through my email address.

Yours truly

Mr Obade Williams.
{Audittor General}

Nigerian Scams Sample #4

Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 4:43 AM






When to cut your losses

By: Christopher Lewis
When trading the FX markets, it is absolutely vital that you know when to cut your losses. By being able to identify when it is time to get out of a trade, you can keep your losses small, which will in turn allow you to continue trading when the market behaves as you predict.

By being able to take losses when they are small, the leverage that you apply on a trade will not come back to bite you as hard and can keep the account well funded. When you do not learn to cover your losses, it can lead to devastating losses that you will not be able to recover from. In fact, this is one of the most common killers of forex trading accounts. But the biggest issue is to recognize when it is time to let go.

There are several different methods that you can use in order to determine this, but they all have one similar component: acknowledging a specific point on the chart that represents when your analysis isn’t correct.

For some people, this is a percentage of their total account. As an example, you might decide that any time you are down 3%; you are going to get out of the market, no matter what is going on. This is very common, and allows you to have a specifically defined amount of loss you are willing to take.

Another very common method is to simply place a stop loss at a point that you feel represents that things are changing in the marketplace. For example, many traders will place their stop loss below the most recent swing low (in an uptrend) or the most recent significant swing high (in a down trend). By doing this, you are forcing the market to change recent trends in order to take you out. It proves to you that the market isn’t going where you thought it was, and you need to step back and rethink your position. By doing this, you can take yourself out of the emotion of the moment and begin to clearly see the opportunities that may or may not be there.

Some traders will simply base their exits on time. For example, day traders will not carry a balance over to the next day, and will exit the market no matter what at the end of their trading day. This allows them to highly leverage their trades and sleep at night without worry about spikes in the middle of the night going against them.

No matter what you decide to base your stop loss placement on, the common theme on all of these viable methods is that you have to be committed to adhering to their rules. Most traders that blow up their accounts all have the same issue: they broke some of their “golden rules”, and stop losses are without a doubt one of them. One of the most important points to remember is that the markets are always there, and the next trade is just around the corner. You can go ahead and admit that you were wrong in your analysis, and close the trade. Doing so will save you money in the long run.
Christopher Lewis has been trading Forex for several years. He writes about Forex for many online publications, including his own site, aptly named The Trader Guy.

View the original article here

Nigerian Scam Samples #3

From: "peter gabriel"
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 9:02 AM

Tel:+xxx xx xx xx xx.


I am well confident of your capability to assist me in a transaction for mutual benefit of both parties, ie(me and you) I am also believing that you will not expose or betray the trust and confidence I am about to establish with you. I have decided to contact you with greatest delight and personal respect.

Well, I am Rev.PETER GABRIEL, Son to FODY GABRIEL. who was arrested by the ECOMAOG PEACE KEEPING FORCE months ago in my country Sierra Leone.Few days before the arrest of my father, he confidedin me and ordered me to go to his underground safe and move out immediately, with a Deposit Agreement and Cash Receipt he made with a security Company in Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire where he deposited One Iron Boxcontaining USD$ 22 million dollars cash (Twenty TwoMillion dollars). This money was made from the sell of Gold and Diamond by my father and he have already decided to use this money for future investment of the family.Thereafter, I rushed down to the security company here in abidjan with these two documents and confirmed the deposit of the box by my father. Also, I have been granted political stay as a REV.FATHER by the ARCHDIOCESS of Côte d'Ivoire.Meanwhile, my father have instructed me to look for a trusted foreigner who can assist me to move out this money from Côte d'Ivoire immediately for investment .

Based on this , I solicit for your assistance to transfer this fund into your Account, but I will demand for the following requirement:

(1) Could you provide for me a safe Bank Account where this fund will be transferred to in your country or another near by country where taxation will not take great toll on the money?

(2) Could you be able to assist me to obtain my egent travelling papers after this transfer to enable him come over to meet you in your country for the investment of this money because i dont think that i could leav my service because of things of the world?

(3) Could you be able to introduce him to a profitable business venture that would not require much technical expertise in your country where part of this fund will be invested? Please, all these requirements are urgently needed as it will enable us to establish a stronger business relationship with you hence I will like you to be the general overseer of the investment thereafter. I am a Christian a Rev who serves in saint monique catholic church (COCODY ABIDJAN) and I will please, want you to handle this transaction based on the trust I have established in GOD.and notice that I will not leave my service just for this , because of your assistance in this transaction, I have decided to offer you 12% percent commission of the total amount at the end of this business. The security of this business is very important to me and as such,I would like you to keep this business very confidential for my safe and also you know my position that i dont have to do this kind of business but just becuase i am the only son of my father. I shall expect your urgent reply. You can also reach me on this number.+xxx xx xx xx xx.

Thank you and God bless you please extend my greetings to your entire family.

Rev. Peter Gabriel.

Nigerian Scam Samples #8

Subject: Union Bank
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2002 15:45:29 +0200


Dear Sir,
First, I must solicit your confidence in this transaction, this is by virtue of its nature as being utterly, CONFIDENTIAL, though I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make anyone apprehensive and worried,but I am assuring you that all will be well at the end of the day. I have decided to contact you because of the urgency of this transaction.
Let me start by first introducing myself properly to you. I am DR.OLUSHEGUN COLE, a director at the union bank of Nigeria Plc, Lagos. I came to know of you in a private search for a reliable and reputable person to handle a very confidencial transaction which involves the transfer of a huge sum of money to a forieng account requring maximum confidence.
A foreigner, Late Enginieer Lawrence Nassib, an oil merchant/contactor with the Federal Government of Nigeria until his death four years ago, in a gastly air crash that happened on November 6, 1996 here in Nigeria (ADC Airline) had in his domiciliary account with us an equivalent of US$13.5 as closing balance. Uncleared effect totalling US$1.8M. Our banks board, before the last Annual General Meeting (AGM) now expects this closing balance of US$13.5M to be claimed by the late Enginieer Lawrence Nassib's forieng next of kin or be donated as UNCLAIMED to a trust fund for arms and ammunition at a Military War Colledge here in Nigeria. This idea is most unreasonable hence, I have decided to take this step.
Fervent efforts made by the Union Bank to get in touch with any of the Nassibs family or relatives all have proved abortive. As a result of this, our Chairman and board of Directors are in the process of declaring the funds "UNCLAIMABLE".
As an insider and the actual manager of the account and balance, my colleagues and I have decided to contact you to act as Late Lawrence Nassib's next of kin and receive this funds as inheritance claim for the benefit of both parties. All documentation required to perfect this will be in place once you indicate your acceptance. For your role in the transaction, you will keep 30% for yourself, 10% for taxation and preserve 60% for us.
If this proposal is OK and you wish to take advantage of the trust we bestow on you . Kindly get back to me immediately furnishing me with your most confidential Telephone and Fax numbers so that I can forward to you the details of this transaction.
Please note that your positive or negative response will be apprieciated to enable us know the way forward. Also treat as urgent.
Thank you and God bless.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Nigerian Scams #2


Dear sir,

Private And Confidential.It is with heart of hope that I write to seek your help in the context below. I am Deji Abiola, the first son of the late Mko Abiola, A political philantropist and the alleged winner of the June 12 1993 Presidential election, Who died in custody of the Gen Abdulsalam Abubakar the former military president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I know you will be surprise on how i got your contact, but it was after a careful search in my late father achives that i saw your contact, I have no doubt on your good will to assist me in receiving into your custody (For Safety) the sum of Forty Eight Million, Five hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$48.5M) willed and deposited in my favour by my Late father. The fund is with a security/finance company in GHANA waiting to be collected from the clearing house. As legally required in the administration of my Late father, properties are under authority of the family Lawyers name (MUSTAPH & ASSOCIATES). You are also informed that the security company does not know the content of the consignment with them because of security reasons. I, therefore solicit co-operation and assistance us to collect this fund on behalf of my family and then deposit it in your account so that my family Lawyer could come over to meet with you for the sharing. As soon as you indicate your interest to travel to the Security/Finance Company ,i will instruct the Security company to transfer the money to your account, my Lawyer shall also be with you there. Remember that this affair is purely based on honesty and sincerity and hence, shall not want it to be blown up or exposed to the international community. All legal documents shall be sent to you before you travel for the collection. The government had earlier placed foreign travel embargo on all our family members and seized all knows local and international outfit of our business empire. The situation has been so terrible that we are virtually living on the assistance of well wishers. I will agree to compensate your sincere and candid effort in this regard with 20% of the fund when finally received in your Bank account after clearing the consignment from the security firm. Please, all contacts must be made through my Lawyer Barrister MUSTAPH JUBRILL of(MUSTAPH& Associates). I look forward to your quick response. May Allah bless you.


Mr.Deji Abiola

Nigerian Scam Samples #1

From: "alhaji erowo iman"
Subject: Solicitation
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 03:31:38 0200

Lagos, Nigeria
FAX NO: xxx x xxxxxxx or
I hope this letter will not embarrass you since we have not had any previous communication. I got your reference from your country's trade department under private enquiry that is not related to my aim of writing you this letter and went further to have it confirmed by the Nigeria Exports Promotion Council(NEPC).
I, on behalf of my other colleagues from different Federal Government of Nigeria owned parastatals decided to solicit your assistance as regards the transfer of the above stated amount into your bank account. This fund arose from the over-invoicing of various contracts awarded in my parastatals to certain foreign contractors some time ago.
We as holders of official positions in various parastatals, were mandated by this new civilian government to scrutinize all payments made to certain foreign contractors by the past Military Government and we discovered that some of the contracts they executed were grossly over-invoiced, either by omission or commission. Also we discovered that the sum of $65,560,000.00 (Sixty-Five Million, Five Hundred and Sixty Thousand United States Dollars Only) was lying in a suspense account, although the foreign contractors were fully paid their entitlements after executing the said contracts. We all agreed that the over-invoiced amount be transferred (for our own use) into a bank account provided by a foreign partner, as the code of conduct of the Federal Civil Service does not allow us to operate foreign accounts.
However, we have succeeded in transferring some of these money, precisely US$20,000,000.00 (Twenty Million United States Dollars Only) into a foreign account in GENEVA (SWITZERLAND). But unfortunately, the provider of the account has severed all forms of contacts with us as he has refused to adhere to our earlier mutual agreement insisting that the total amount be paid into his nominated bank account before disbursement will take effect. If for US$20M (Twenty Million United States Dollars Only) we are not compensated, how can one guarantee full compensation on remittance of the balance of US$45.560M (Forty-Five Million, Five Hundred and Sixty Thousand United States Dollars Only).
We are therefore seeking your assistance based on the balance amount of US$45.560M, which can be speedily processed and fully remitted into your nominated bank account. On successful remittance of the fund into your account, you will be compensated with 25% of the amount for assistance and services and 5% set aside for expenses contingency.
This transaction is closely knitted and in view of our SENSITIVE POSITION we cannot afford a slip, I assure you that this transaction is 100% risk free. We will avail you with our identities as regards our respective offices, when relationship is fully established and smooth operation commences. I am at your disposition to entertain any question(s) from you in respect of this transaction, so contact me immediately through the above private email addresses( presidency & mail) and fax number for further information on the requirements and procedure. Please note that the DEAL needs utmost confidentiality and your immediate response will be highly appreciated and we will use our own share of the money to establish a lucrative business in your country.
Please you should contact me immediately with your private fax and telephone numbers where further details in respect to this transaction would be sent to.Please you can also contact me on yahoo at
Yours truly,

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Just a simple wire transfer. easy money. Really???????

You may be tempted to take a money transfer job for a few extra bucks. It’s easy work; all you have to do is forward payments from your bank account to somebody else. Unfortunately, money transfer jobs are often scams. Find out how money transfer businesses can cause problems for you.

Too Good to Be True?

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Money transfer jobs are no exception. Consider how easy they are: you get to keep a cut of everything the money transfer business sends to you, and you can do it in your bathrobe.
What could go wrong with a simple money transfer job? Read on to find out.

Money Laundering

In some cases, money transfer jobs are part of a money laundering operation. Criminals around the world want to get money into certain bank accounts, but they can’t transfer it in traditional ways or walk into the bank with piles of cash (red flags will pop up, putting the operation at risk).
Money transfer jobs help them 'launder' the money or hide its origin. Your account is clean, you’re an upstanding citizen, and nobody has any reason to suspect you’re up to something illegal. By funneling funds through your account, money gets into the banking system without problems.
Your money transfer job may help a variety of criminals that you’re not interested in helping: terrorists, embezzlers, stolen property and drug rings, and others. In this case, you’re known as a money mule.

Your Risk

What’s the risk of taking a money transfer job? Criminals get access to your bank information. They can use it to try to drain your account, and you may be charged with helping them do whatever they’re up to.
You may also get scammed by the money transfer business. As payments come and go, you and your bank see the transactions as routine events. The bank clears funds for you quickly, and you forward payments without checking to be sure the funds are truly cleared in your account.
Someday a larger than usual payment may come through, which you forward without hesitation. That may be the one that doesn’t clear. When your bank reverses the bad deposit from your account (and you already forwarded the payment), you’ll be sitting on a loss.


Be very cautious about money transfer jobs. Consider:
  • What kind of business would hire you (a complete stranger) to handle their money?
  • Are you getting paid a reasonable rate for what you do, or is this too good to be true?
  • Why does the business need to move money through your personal account - don’t they have a business account for that?
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Cashier checks scam.

cashier's check scam
Image by cafemama via Flickr
Cashier’s check fraud is one of the most popular crimes in the internet age. Once thought to be safe, cashier’s checks now require extra attention from sellers. Make sure you know all the red flags of cashier’s check fraud so you can avoid expensive scams.
Safety and Cashier’s Check Fraud
It is ironic that sellers, who used to rely on the safety of these checks, now have to be more careful than ever. If you don’t know they buyer, you simply cannot assume that a cashier’s check is just as good as cash. While these checks may have advantages over personal checks, it never hurts to be safe.
A Typical Cashier’s Check Fraud
Well's fargo counterfit cashier's check
Image via Wikipedia
The most common cashier’s check fraud has the same ingredients. A buyer wants to purchase a product and will use a cashier’s check. For whatever reason, the buyer has a check made out for an amount in excess of the purchase price. Then, the buyer wants the seller to accept the full amount and send the extra money (either back to the buyer or to a third party).
If you’re faced with a situation that looks anything like this, you’re probably experiencing a cashier’s check fraud. Don’t send any money until you find that the paying bank has actually paid the funds.
The trick of the cashier’s check fraud is that the payee’s bank credits the seller’s account before the funds have actually arrived from the paying bank. Therefore, it looks like the funds have cleared and everything is OK. If you’re not sure what the difference is between seeing the dollars credited and actually having the dollars, visit your bank and ask.
Picking Cashier’s Check Fraud Apart
As with everything, you have to ask if the situation makes sense. Why would a person you’ve never met entrust you with thousands of dollars? If they can contact you, they can surely give adequate instructions to have the bank complete a cashier’s check correctly. If the excessive amount was in fact the buyer’s fault, wouldn’t the buyer pay the $3 (or whatever) fee to have an accurate check printed?
Finally, if they can come up with the money, they can surely afford to pay an extra cashier’s check fee to write another check to their “agent” or “associate”.
Detailed Cashier’s Check Fraud Examples
There are a number of good sites that provide examples of how cashier’s check fraud has worked in the past. Among them:
The lesson is clear: don’t believe that cashier’s checks are just as good as cash. Armed with this knowledge, hopefully you can do business safely and avoid cashier’s check scams.
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How letters of credit work?

A letter of credit is a promise to pay. Banks issue letters of credit as a way to ensure sellers that they will get paid as long as they do what they've agreed to do.
Letters of credit are common in international trade because the bank acts as an uninterested party between buyer and seller. For example, importers and exporters might use letters of credit to protect themselves. In addition, communication can be difficult across thousands of miles and different time zones. A letter of credit spells out the details so that everybody's on the same page.

To better understand letters of credit, it may help to know the following:
  • Abbreviations for 'letter of credit' include L/C, LC, and LOC
  • Applicant - the buyer in a transaction
  • Beneficiary - the seller or ultimate recipient of funds
  • Issuing bank - the bank that promises to pay
  • Advising bank - helps the beneficiary use the letter of credit

The Money Behind a Letter of Credit

A bank promises to pay on behalf of a customer, but where does the money come from?
The bank will only issue a letter of credit if they know the buyer will pay. Some buyers have to deposit (or already have) enough money to cover the letter of credit, and some customers use a line of credit with the bank. Sellers must trust that the bank issuing the letter of credit is legitimate.

Executing a Letter of Credit

A seller only gets paid after performing specific actions that the buyer and seller agree to.
For example, the seller may have to deliver merchandise to a shipyard in order to satisfy requirements for the letter of credit. Once the merchandise is delivered, the seller receives documentation proving that he made delivery. The letter of credit now must be paid even if something happens to the merchandise. If a crane falls on the merchandise or the ship sinks, it's not the seller's problem.
To pay on a letter of credit, banks simply review documents proving that a seller performed his required actions. They do not worry about the quality of goods or other items that may be important to the buyer and seller.

Important issues of Letters of Credit

Letters of credit make it possible to do business worldwide. They are important and helpful tools, but you should be careful when using letters of credit.
As a seller, make sure you:
  • Carefully review all requirements for the letter of credit before moving forward with a deal
  • Understand all the documents required
  • Can get all the documents required for the letter of credit
  • Understand the time limits associated with the letter of credit, and whether they are reasonable
  • Know how quickly your service providers (shippers, etc) will produce documents for you
  • Can get the documents to the bank on time
  • Make all documents required by the letter of credit match the letter of credit application exactly
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Friday, January 6, 2012

Aggressive New Automated Twitter Poster

Brand New Fully Automated Twitter Poster is About to Hit The Net With a Massive Blow to all Other Automated Twitter Posters Already on The Shelves!!!

TwitterXtreme is a hybrid PHP MySQL script that runs on your own servers and engages in more that modest aggressive marketing tactics to sell your products and services online. If your looking for a fully automated Twitter poster that can fully create unlimited accounts, solve all captchas, spin all bio's, themes and avatars, search and seek high friend to followers, add thousands of new followers to any of your new accounts daily, super spin other peoples tweets then repost them back to Twitter, fully post RSS feed links with full title meta, descriptions and tags and all under the Twitter radar, then you need to check out TwitterXtreme.

You can Visit The TwitterXtreme Home Page Here, Dont Delay This script Is Sold to Only 200 Users Per Month TwitterXtreme Twitter Auto Poster

If you are not using Twitter to grow your internet marketing business you are missing out on a huge free opportunity to promote your internet marketing business.

Twitter is a free microblogging and social networking platform. It enables you update your friends and family about what you're doing at any given moment. You can use your cell telephone or you can "tweet" through computer.The power of Twitter can be discovered in the folks that follow you and in the people you follow.

People who follow you have an interest in what you are tweeting about. You may use twitter to analyze a particular niche market. You may use twitter to work out how your company's product can help the people on twitter.

You can use Twitter to build your internet marketing product brand because twitter has the first benefit of developing an off-the-cuff way to strengthen your brand with potential customers. It also creates you as a social personality that is approachable and a real person.

Twitter grows new twitter users will be drawn towards well established Twitter personalities.Twitter isn't to be used as a place to post information about your opportunity or product regularly. This is not helpful nor does it add to your credibility as an expert.

You could need to bring price to the Twitter universe with your tweets. Engage in conversations with your possible clients and develop connections whilst you deepen relationships with folk thru your tweets.

just after you have posted helpful tweets should you post information related to your opportunity. Even then be sure that you plug your business carefully. Make sure to maintain a satisfied medium between promotion and personal tweets.

Focus on connecting with folk. Listen and be aware opportunities that come along in conversation to tweet about what you do or what your product can do for somebody. Only then will you witness what twitter can do for your internet marketing business

With so many Twitter tools and applications on the net now it's hard to decide which ones are any good, we beleive TwitterXtreme is the most aggressive and elite Twiiter marketing script money can buy and if your seriously trying to dominate Twitter then you need this script. Full affiliate program is also available with 50% payout on all sales, thats a whopping $50 per sale on a script that will be selling out fast.

You can Visit The TwitterXtreme Home Page Here, Dont Delay This script Is Sold to Only 200 Users Per Month TwitterXtreme Twitter Auto Poster

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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Forex Success in 4 Simple Steps

By: Sara Patterson
As I was writing that title, I thought that it sounds nearly impossible, but actually, I am not promising immediate wealth or success, but rather, a slow paced and long lasting strategy that, at the end of the road, will lead you to success, making the proposition entirely possible.

For starters, what I just wrote above is one of the key components to Forex success -patience. If you ever have the misconception that Forex will make you rich fast, you need to get it out of your head before you experience some serious disappointment. There are no free meals in life, and that is no different than Forex.

Ask yourself this simple question: “If this or that broker can guarantee me wealth and success, then why isn’t everyone trading Forex with that broker?” If there was a magic potion, there would be a lot more Forex traders out there, and even more so, there would be a lot more billionaires around.  (This is why you should research carefully and read Forex brokers reviews before choosing a broker that will serve you well for the long term).

The problem is Forex can bring you wealth and success, but it requires patience, which is a commodity most people do not possess. If you are willing to take the time to invest in your Forex career, not just trade, then you will eventually look success in the eye.

The following is a short list of the first four steps you must take in order to succeed in Forex. If you take these steps properly, there are still no guarantees, but there is a guarantee that if you do not, Forex success will be considerably more elusive.

Educate Yourself: Do not, under any circumstances begin trading Forex without getting to know every little detail about the market. Learn the history, terminology, strategy, and volatility of the market. Do not forget to also study the different philosophies about market analysis, as well as the various tools and resources at a Forex trader’s disposal. Once you feel comfortable with Forex, jump in to the next stage, which should be Forex demo trading.
Question Yourself: This might sound childish, but before trading Forex, you need to make sure you are emotionally capable of trading Forex. It is not an easy trading arena. It is filled with entities that profit from your losses, it is unfortunately highly populated by people trying to trick you, and it is a nerve wracking experience like nothing you have experienced before. The flip side of course, is that the Forex market offers endless potential for profits, but only to those who can handle it. So, before jumping into the deep Forex waters, ask yourself “Do I know how to swim under such sever weather conditions?”
Train Yourself: The last thing any Forex trader wants is to find themselves experiencing major losses due to a lack of control. You need to ensure that your emotions do not get the best of you when you are trading. Do not be afraid to lose, do not be afraid to win, and do not be afraid to pull the plug on certain open positions. Before trading Forex, you need to train yourself to be an objective and scientific trader, one that adheres to their Forex trading strategy, no matter what. A trader that uses Stop Losses and Take Profits when necessary, and a trader that is able to cope with losses, sometimes painful ones, an inevitable part of Forex trading.
Know Yourself: In order to succeed in Forex, you need to know yourself to depths not necessary in other parts of life. You need to have complete and utter control over your natural instincts as well as emotions. You need to know how you react to high pressure situations, and you need to know how you handle high risk scenarios. If you can answer all those questions and others about your essence, then you are emotionally prepared to enter Forex. But, let there be no mistakes, such self knowledge can take months and sometimes years to achieve.

Want to learn more about Forex trading? Check out our Forex strategies articles for more Forex tips. Sara Patterson Sara Patterson
Sara Patterson has a Master’s Degree in political science and enjoys analyzing both current events and the international markets to get a fuller perspective of the currency market. Before turning to financial writing, she taught English writing skills to high-school age students. Sara’s work has been published on various financial and Forex blogs.

The Best Way to Promote Yourself on Twitter - Twitter Marketing Software

For a few days now, we have had some interest in our opinions on how to appropriately use Twitter marketing software such as Tweet Adder and Tweet Whistle, so we decided we'd offer our views with you here. We've had problems as well as many, many successes and it all makes for high-quality suggestions and good advice.
So here are our best Twitter marketing tips, we've put on screen for you...
Some things to consider before starting; if you're employing Tweet Adder, automate it to unfollow users who have not followed you in return after a few days. Let's be honest, if the member are not regular to Twitter then you wouldn't want them to be a follower and if they are they'll most likely have overlooked your follow request and 3 days is more than enough of a period for them to reciprocate. In addition before you begin to follow users make sure you have at least 5 normal and intriguing messages on your account. Would you follow someone back who has no posts at all or a person with a considerable amount of promotional material on their profile?
If your Twitter page is brand new and you've just started using it, using your Twitter marketing tools, follow up to 50 members per day for the first few weeks or so. Don't purely add 500 members to your list for the reason that you will be banned from Twitter. This possibly will sound a little sluggish however to have a lucrative Twitter marketing promotion you'll need to have some patience. As you are getting users onto your list unfollow the users who have not followed you in return using the settings that you've assigned in Tweet Adder. This'll keep your ratio looking more believable to your potential brand new members.
After a couple of weeks has gone by, tot up your following to around one hundred a day, ensuring to follow the tips that we have mentioned before. Then go of your own accord into it effortlessly and add users of your own accord (obviously, within reason).
Keep in mind to add your own set of laws to the listing as you gather familiarity as each Twitter experience is distinctive. And make sure that your content is always fresh as well as advertising to the members...we can offer all the suggestions in the world but the most focal element is down to you; being yourself.
However we would not have so many successful Twitter marketing campaigns if it wasn't for software like Tweet Adder which as suggested above above, if used correctly, is completely safe. If you want to read more about the options when it comes to Twitter marketing software simply click the link. We have lots of further advice, reviews of each piece of software and video reviews to help you decide. We like to make Twitter marketing as easy as possible for all!
Read more about how to buy twitter followers, get twitter followers and how to get twitter followers

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

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How To Succeed With Twitter- Twitter Marketing Tips

The internet had truly changed the way people around the World interact, discuss issues and do business. We are truly closer to each than ever before in the history of our modern world. From the internet came about web 2.0
I will be talking about web 2social networking sitesblogswikisvideo sharingsites, hosted services, web applications, mashups and folksonomies and social media had created a communities of global story telling, personal inter action and group discussion. Languages and communications are no longer a barrier to the masses. You can have twitter followers in other languages. Example is twitter en espanol language can easily interact with one another using the Spanish language. The good thing is you can create a free twitter account and start right away. There are many videos on how to use twitter. If you are in business you will find these tips very useful.
Now let�s talk about twitter. Back then the term twitter site was really anonymous. Why so embraced by so many from all walks of life? Well twitter is easy to use and login. It takes less than 5 minutes to get a free account. Just 140 characters to tell your friends and followers what�s happening. This free social networking and microblogging service enable its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Since its creation by Jack Dorsey, twitter has gained nobility and popularity worldwide. It is something describe as �SMS of the internet�. The use of twitter application programming interface for sending and receiving messages by other applications. TV celebrities, businesses friends and Countries all over the World are taking advantage of the potential it has to also market your business. Such Countries as Nigeria, Jamaica, Kenya, Ghana, Indonesia and Puerto Rico where you can find some twitter followers.

These are some of the tips to help you succeed with twitter.
� Build account and start using twitter account this is where you put in keywords or phrase to get the exact results of what you are looking for.
� Talk none sometimes there are many cool things and fund stuff.
� Tweet with confident. You only get 140 characters per tweet so be bold and educational. As long as you respect others and your followers. Share what you think can help others.
� Create custom twitter back ground. A custom background makes you look net and professional. There free and paid ones.
� Make sure to write your bio for your profile. Tell people who you are and your profession. This is also help you grow your followers.
� Post good and educational links. If you watch a cool video post that. If you read an article that help people post it.
� Ask questions. Do survey with your followers about what they need. You can even ask your followers at a restaurant on what to order.
� �Participate in follow Friday.� Every Friday recommend at least one of your follower to all your followers and give a reason why.

Hope you find this article educational and helpful. I believe these tips will help you do well with twitter. The most important thing is to get engaged participate in discussions. If you find this useful make sure to also follow me at:
Also for business opportunity and low cost online marketing tools follow me at

>I'm Prince Samuels. 33 years old internet network marketer. I've been involved with marketing network marketing for the past 5 years now, and it's a great profession to be part of. There are many rewards and benefits for those that are willing to put in the effort. Network marketing has always been the equal opportunities provider for both the fortunate and less fortunate in this country and around the world.