Saturday, December 31, 2011

Forex Trading Can Be Simple (If You Let)

One of the biggest issues that can rear its ugly head in the world of the newbie trader is over complication. In fact, making things much more difficult than necessary is a staple of every budding trader’s early career it seems.

The biggest catalyst for this is twofold. The first issue is a lack of self-confidence. This makes sense, because by being new to the trading world it is easy to feel that you know almost nothing. The average new trader is constantly looking for “hints”, “tips”, and “tricks” when it comes to trading. This is easily understandable as they will know little about currency trading. After all, sound trading decisions are the result of experience, and they will have very little of that. What many people don’t understand is that experience is often the result of bad decisions!

The lack of confidence will lead to system-hopping, and the constant switching of indicators and timeframes. The thing that is risky at this point is the trader very rarely understands how an indicator works. They just simply know that you “buy when this line crosses the other one”, or something like that. The understanding of the mathematics involved makes using these indicators more effective in theory, because at least the trader knows what they are seeing. Of course, at this point in time, they may have several indicators on their charts and this can lead to what is known as “paralysis by analysis”, which leads me to the other catalyst.

The other catalyst is simply a fear or losing money. Most traders go into the Forex markets looking to get rich, and not understanding that you can’t always win. Yes, they understand that a 100% win ratio is a bit much to ask for, but they don’t emotionally understand that. It is one thing to understand something from an intellectual level, and quite a different one to understand it from a gut level. Taking a loss isn’t fun, but it is something we all do.

The “paralysis by analysis” syndrome comes about because of this. There is a point in the new trader’s career that they will pile on the indicators in order to “read the markets.” They may start with a moving average, and add an M.A.C.D. indicator as time goes on. Perhaps they have attended a webinar that featured the trader using the ADX and Keltner Channels. At this point in time, they are starting to add the indicators to the chart, and not seeing the most important thing: where price is going!

With a ton of indicators, it isn’t easy to understand where to go. You could have three indicators saying sell, while another two are saying buy. It is at this point the trader understands how difficult this is getting for them. They have made it overly complicated, and now it is getting to be frustrating – and that can lead to really stupid trading decisions over time.

Hopefully, they reach the point where one day they look at a chart and say something like, “Wow, if I only had sold USD/CHF over the last few years. It has gone straight down over that time.” While there are pullbacks, the trader sees that in general, they could have made a fortune selling this pair over the last several years. This is where the idea of trading with the trend comes into play. There are traders out there that will only trade in the direction of the overall trend, and refuse to take set ups in the other direction. Of course, this takes a bit of patience when the pullbacks come – but it does work in the end. While there are many different ways to trade, those who choose this method simplify a lot of the decisions they are forced to make as they already know what direction they want to be in. Their entries may vary from trader to trader, but they all tend to sleep a little easier at night as well.

There are those who will debate the whole “the trend is up on the 15 minute, down on the hourly, but also up on the weekly timeframes.” Nonsense. Currency pairs only have one trend, and that is the major one. The rest is noise, and if you focus on that – you can avoid a lot of trouble. If you are trying to figure out the trend, simply look at a weekly chart and see if the market is going from lower left to upper right. If it is, you are in an uptrend. If it is going from the upper left to the lower right, you are in a downtrend. Anything that isn’t easily identified isn’t worth bothering with, as there are plenty of pairs to trade.

By approaching the markets in this manner, trading really can be as simple as you let it be.

View the original article here

Friday, December 30, 2011

Taking Responsibility for Your Actions - the Forex Way

By: Christopher Lewis

It is something we try to teach our children, but when it comes to trading there are plenty of traders that are not willing to do just this. Taking responsibility for your actions is one of the most important things a trader can do, mainly because it leads to real and true introspection. The trader simply has to be able to be honest with themselves as to what happened in a trade if they are going to learn anything at all by their losses.

The whole point of learning to trade is to understand what works, what doesn’t, and be able to adjust to changing conditions in order to come out ahead in your trading account. It is nearly impossible to do any of these things if you are not honest with yourself, and what actually happened during a trade.

When I speak to traders, I will often hear things like, “The broker decided to do a stop loss hunt.” I hear this one often enough to recognize it for what it truly is: A flat-out denial of responsibility in taking the loss. The big thing with this person is that they feel the need to be right 100% of the time. This is a person that is setting themselves up for failure as the pressure will be far too great for them to feel they can function in an efficient manner.

Another one I hear a lot is a variation of “Trichet came out and killed the trade.” I can assure you that the person that made the announcement wasn’t watching your position. Traders that get upset about this kind of event seem to suggest that the announcement was aimed directly at them, and not as a statement the central banker, politician, or whoever felt necessary to make. It is like anything else in life: things happen. Timing isn’t always going to work in your favor. Besides, the person who complains about this very thing thinks they are a trading genius when the announcement goes in their favor and they make large profits from it.

The main point is that you cannot fall into the “blame the other guy” trap I see so many others get involved with. It is a loser’s game that will only allow you to make the same mistakes over and over as you don’t look in the mirror for the answers to your losses. Also, I should mention that sometimes a loss is a fairly random thing. Sometimes, there is no real deep answer. The market ebbs and flows, and sometimes you are on the wrong side of it is all.

Either way, unless you are honest with analyzing yourself, you will never be able to analyze the market.

Christopher Lewis

Christopher Lewis has been trading Forex for several years. He writes about Forex for many online publications, including his own site, aptly named The Trader Guy.

View the original article here

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Why Your Forex Mindset Matters

By: Sara Patterson

If you have been studying the Forex market, you most likely know that it is the largest financial market on the globe, by far. You also probably know that anyone can trade Forex, but not without risks. If you have spent some serious time studying Forex, you most definitely heard different experts tell you that before risking money in Forex, you need to do a lot of mental and psychological preparation.

Before trading Forex, all experts will advise you to get to know yourself well in high pressured situations. They will also suggest you formulate a thorough trading strategy and money management skills. Lastly, they will recommend that you gain complete control of your emotions in order to disqualify them as any sort of factor in your future Forex decisions.

There is a wide consensus among the majority of Forex experts about the above principles. While these experts do not agree about the best type of analysis, the most advanced Forex trading platform, or the best currency pair to trade, most of them agree that you need a specific mindset in place in order to achieve true Forex success.

The obvious question is why? If all you are doing is trading the Forex market, why are your thoughts and feelings even being discussed? How are they relevant to your success as a Forex trader? Is it not possible to succeed without these prerequisites?

The answer is that your thoughts and emotions are very much involved in your future success or failure in Forex. The following is a list of reasons every trader should train their minds and hearts before trading Forex.

Lower the Pressure: It is no secret that a relaxed trader is a better trader. If you can take your losses without letting it get you down, you will most likely trade more professionally and less based on your weak human tendencies.
Don’t Overtrade: If you have complete control over your emotions, than greed will not become your guiding light in your trading. What this will prevent is the need to overtrade as a result of losses you experience.
Keep up the Motivation: I am sure you do not need to be told of the importance of motivation. A direct correlation between high motivation and success has been proven time and time again. If you control your emotion when trading Forex, you will not allow your losses to bring you down and will therefore maintain a higher motivation, which will eventually translate into dollars and cents.
Recognize Spammers: In the previous points, we focused on emotions, but this point is more relevant to mental training. If you prepare your Forex knowledge before trading, ie study the market and become familiar with the ins and outs of Forex trading, this will help you recognize Forex scammers as opposed to real Forex services. In reality, this requires you train your mind and heart because if you immobilize your emotions, the various promises being thrown at you by brokers will have no effect on you, and your familiarity of the market will enable you to separate the real services from the scams.

Sara Patterson

Sara Patterson has a Master’s Degree in political science and enjoys analyzing both current events and the international markets to get a fuller perspective of the currency market. Before turning to financial writing, she taught English writing skills to high-school age students. Sara’s work has been published on various financial and Forex blogs.

View the original article here

Tasari onaylandi. Ne oldu? Ne olacakti ki?

Evet artik tasari, tasari degil. Onaylandi. Gergin, gergin beklemeye son. Cikti da ne oldu? Simdi gerginlesme sirasi Fransa’da. Yasa cikarmak kolay da uygulamasi nasil olacak onu gormek lazim. Teknik olarak bircok Turk isadami, politikaci ve Disisleri calisanini tutuklamasi gerekecek. Ya da dunyadaki digger orneklerinde oldugu gibi cikart ve uygulama yasalarina donusup, unutulup gidecek. Bana komik gelen su, bu kadar cabalama ile neden dogrudan soykirim yasasi cikarmayip sadece soykirim yoktur diyenleri cezalandirmaya calisiyorlar? Yoksa tarihi gercekleri arastirmak ve derinlere yolculuk Fransa olsan bile; cok mu zor acaba? Simdi yasayi da, tarihi de, ic sorunlari da bir yana birakalim. Sadece 3,5 dakika. Ben yillardir dusundugum, arada dile getirdigim fakat cokca uzerine gitmedigim bir gercegi tekrar dillendirmek istiyorum. AB nedir? Gercekten icinde yer almali miyiz? Ya da bu stress neden? Burada yazacaklarimin kisisel goruslerim oldugunu belirtmek istiyorum, aslinda cok acik ama yine de belirteyim. Avrupa Birligi ekonomik bir birlik degildir. Cok net ve acik. Cunki akli selim hic bir olusum surekli vermeye ya da surekli almaya dayali olamaz. Almanya ve Fransa surekli veren ve Yunanistan dahil bir cok digger Avrupa ulkesi surekli alan. Boyle bir mantik ve ekonomi olamaz. Dolayisi ile baska seyler aramak lazim. Avrupa Birligi siyasi ya da milli bir birlik de degildir. Tarih gosteriyor ki su kucuk kitada bircok krallik ve derebeylik kuruldu. Bir Almanya-Avusturya-Macaristan ya da Fransa ve beylikleri, Ingiltere adasinda 3 krallik. Unutmayin kucucuk Cekoslavakya bir bolunuste uc mikro ulke cikarabildi. Kisaca Avrupa’nin milli, irka dayali ya da siyasi bir birligi yoktur, olamayacak da. Peki nedir onlari bir arada tutan, isimlerini AET’den AB’ye ceviren, trilyon Avroluk yardimlari goz kirpmadan verdiren. Cok basit. Ortak din. AB bir Hiristiyan toplulugudur. Bu gercegi biz hicbir zaman resmen dile getiremedik ve komigi onlar da hic inkar etmedi. Kisaca ortak bir centilmenlik anlasmasi var suregelen. Biz resmen soylemiyoruz onlar inkar etmek zorunda kalmiyorlar. Aslinda pek de inkar edeceklerini tahmin etmiyorum. Bizi AB’ye almak isteyen kimse yok. AB’ye giremeyecegiz. Aslinda AB’ye girmemeiz gerekiyor, bize yarari yok fakat Gumruk Birligi’nin tek tarafliligindan da pacayi kurtarmamiz gerekiyor. Unutmayalim AB uyesi olmayan yuzlerce ulke acliktan olmuyor ya da BM’deki kabulleri bizden farli degil. AB masasi su an ve bundan sonra sarabin yanina raki ya da serbet istemiyor. Domuz pirzolasini pastirmali kurufasulye icin , masadan kaldirmaya niyeti yok. Hic de olmadi zaten. Bence ne mi yapilmali? Artik AB’siz bir yasami tartismaya baslamali. Sanki imkansiz gorunen bu olayin aslinda cok gercek ve somut oldugu anlanmali. Hic giremeyecegimiz bir topluluga uyelik basvurumuzu bize karsi koz olarak kullanmalarini anlayamiyorum. Kaldiralim su kozu ortadan. Olmayan bis basvuru ya da uyelik talep edilmeyen bir toplulugu bize karsi nasil koz olarak kullanacaklar gorelim bakalim. AB uyelik basvurusunu geri cekmek bizi Iran mi yapar? Korkumuz bu mu? AB uyesi olmayan ya da uyeligi teknik olarak aklindan bile geciremeyeck bir cok ulke var onlar Iran mi oldu? Ya da su soruyu soralim kendimize. AB uyeliginden vazgecersek, acab Singapur olur muyuz? Ya da Yeni Zelanda, Avusturya, Arjantin………..

Monday, December 26, 2011

Forex Teknik Analiz Paylasimi: Candlestick Mum Grafikler

Forex Teknik Analiz Paylasimi: Candlestick Mum Grafikler

Forex MetaTrader Brokers

Forex MetaTrader Brokers
By []Alan Bentler

Forex MetaTrader Brokers are those Forex brokers who offer the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform to their clients.

In case you are new to Forex - the "platform" is the software that allows you to monitor the market and open and close trades from within your forex broker account. There are many brokers out there and many platforms but MetaTrader is by far the most popular one. Consequently the number of Forex MetaTrader brokers is also quite large compared to the other brokers out there.

Why is it so important whether your forex broker offers the MetaTrader platform or some other platform? MetaTrader has not become the most popular platform out there accidentally. This software has some exceptional features compared to many of the other platforms available today! Let's quickly go over them:

1. MT4 is Free. Forex MetaTrader Brokers let clients and prospective client download the software for free and create a demo account on their servers! This a great way to polish your trading skills without risking real money! Once you download the platform it is very easy to install and the interface is very intuitive and feature-rich. There are no "Bronze" versions, Web-version etc. All the features of MetaTrader are immediately available to all clients as soon as they download the platform.

2. The MetaTrader platform is integrated with Charts, meaning that not only does it show current prices of the currencies to the users but it also allows them to open charts, place Technical Analysis indicators and oscillators on the charts (e.g. MA and RSI) all in one application. You will not have a whole mess of windows all over you desktop - it's all contained tightly within the MetaTrader 4 main window. As a direct consequence of this integration - placing an order is really easy! Simply right click on the chart and select New Order from the Trading context menu! If you click in the area where you want your price to be the system will offer to open a pending order at that price! How convenient is that?!

3. The fact that the charts are a part of MT4 and automatically available means that you are actually getting 2 pieces of software for free - the platform and the charts! Remember - there's still many brokers out there who will give you the trading platform for free but will not provide you with free charts. You have to pay to get access to charts with these brokers. Not the case with forex MetaTrader brokers!

4. Automation! Perhaps one of the best feature of the MetaTrader platform and that is why both Forex MetaTrader brokers and their clients love this software is the built-in automation system! MT4 supports a special programming language called MQL which allows traders to create their own indicators, scripts and even fully automated trading robots! The robots are called EA's ("Electronic Advisers") and are in essence programs, which everyone can use with MetaTrader to analyze data, automate a range of tasks, create alerts or even automate the entire trading process completely!

There are many EA's available with the most popular one definitely being Forex-Autopilot. This amazing MQL program will trade on your behalf - monitoring the market, opening and closing positions for you day in and day out, regardless of whether you are sitting at your computer or playing golf or sleeping!

Even though Forex-Autopilot is a pretty profitable little robot and has sold by far the most copies of all similar products available on the market, my personal vote goes for FAP-Turbo, another robot developed by the same team. Although it is not quite as popular as forex-autopilot (and the only reason in my opinion is because it is brand new - released in Nov 2008!) it definitely outperforms FAP in all aspects: providing real-time results on its web site (information from 3 real accounts being traded in real time, streamed to the site LIVE!), placing server-based Stop-Loss and Take-Profit orders (Forex-Autopilot relied only on internal, programmatic stop loss and take profit, and providing 2 strategies which the robot selects automatically which one to used based on timerframe and market conditions.

5. MT4 offers tons of other features not available on other platforms. It has a huge arsenal of technical analysis indicators and you can always plug in more - since you can add more MQL modules to your MetaTrader station at any time!

You can customize the look and feel of your charts. You can export and import your data and preferences.

Another very important feature is that every Forex MetaTrader broker keeps an archive of historical prices and these prices are available for download through your MT4 system. You can use these prices to test your own strategies or you can run the robots on these data thus testing how profitable it will be. Many other parameters such as slippage, Stop-Loss and Take Profit available at time of placing an order, etc., to detailed to over them here!

Below you will find a link to a list of all known Forex MetaTrader brokers. Here's some of the most popular ones, for your convenience:


Keep in mind that even though there are lots of Forex MetaTrader brokers out there you will need to choose the one which is most suitable for your trading style and preferences! Not all Forex MetaTrader brokers are equal! Although they all offer essentially the same trading software to their clients, their internal account settings such as swap rates, minimum lot sizes, spreads, etc. may be quite different. Some may not be suitable to your trading style!

For example - if you plan to use "scalping" strategies or scalping EA's you will need to go with a forex MetaTrader brokers which is STP or NDD. These are acronyms for "straight through processing" and "no dealing desk" and essentially mean that your broker is not a Market Maker broker. You see... while many MM brokers often look for ways to take advantage of their clients and trade against them, the STP brokers really don't care whether their clients' trades are winning or losing. Because their client's win is not the brokers' loss since they don't take a counter part to their clients' trading transactions! Hence the NDD Forex brokers will only be too happy to know that their clients do well as this way they will stay as their clients longer and bring them more commissions. By the way - ECN which stands for "Electronic communication network" is another name for STP or NDD brokers.

How to find out whether your broker trades against you? Ask them! Don't be shy! Call them, email them or chat with their CS reps. It's a good idea to ask them even before you download the demo software, whether they are STP or NDD broker. If they start giving you vague answers instead of a clear Yes or No - then you know that these particular forex MetaTrader brokers are not STP/NDD/ECN.

Another thing to watch for - some Forex MetaTrader brokers will not allow robots on their servers! Others, such as ODL Securities have a policy against certain EAs (in particular FAP-Turbo because this EA is "too profitable" and hence is hurting the MM broker's financial interests).

Want to find out more about Forex MetaTrader brokers? A comprehensive list of Forex MetaTrader brokers is available at in the Trader Resources section!

Also, in the Reviews section you may read more about the []FAP-Turbo ( and []Forex-Autopilot ( automated trading robots and decide for yourself if you want to give them a try and see with your own eyes what these software robots can do for your trading account!

Alan Bentler is a veteran trader and an editor at Forex Software Solutions

Article Source: [] Forex MetaTrader Brokers

Forex Teknik Analiz Paylasimi: Camarilla hesaplamasi ve islem esaslari.

Forex Teknik Analiz Paylasimi: Camarilla hesaplamasi ve islem esaslari.: Image via Wikipedia Camarilla gostergesi oldukca populer bir scalping sistemi. 1989 yilinda Nick Stott adinda bir tahvil brokeri tara...

Overrated Broker Features

By: Christopher Lewis

When choosing a Forex broker it is quite common to look into all of the features that are available, as it should directly affect your purchase decision. While this makes sense as a consumer, some of the features can be unnecessary, and quite frankly “fluff”.

One of the biggest overrated features that is commonly found is something called AutoChartist. This piece of software will randomly pick out technical patterns on the chart, bringing them to your attention. In theory, it is a great idea. But the reality is that by using this piece of software, you are doing nothing to advance your knowledge as a trader. There is no point in trying to trade the Forex if you are not willing to learn it.

Another big problem with this piece of software is that it will often give technical patterns that are suspicious by nature. For example, a pennant pattern on the five-minute chart is hardly anything to be concerned with. While it will show the pennant pattern on the weekly chart as well, the truth is that it shows far too many low grade patterns as the software seems to be lacking filters to keep out some of the less noteworthy technical setups.

Other Things to Consider

Forums are a complete waste of time when it comes to your Forex broker. Most of the forum chat that you will see on these boards tends to be of the "troll" variety. In other words, it is just a bunch of people flaming each other on the Internet. At best, you will have a bunch of unknowing people trying to convince you that their trade setup is the right one, even though they have no idea what they're doing. At worst, it becomes much like grade school with all of the insults and name-calling.

Analysis can be overrated at times. It really comes down to the particular analyst that the firm hires. Most of the well-known analysts are working for the larger brokerage houses. Quite often these are well respected analyst, but the smaller broker may hire somebody who doesn't necessarily know what they're doing. One of the biggest tells for a suspicious analyst is if they focus mainly on the short time frames. If the analyst tends to show a lot of five, 15, and one hour charts, it is very likely that they are they are simply to get you to trade more, thus parting with your money quicker.

One of the most common wastes of time that you will find with Forex brokers is the Dow Jones newsfeed in your Metatrader4 platform. While the content of the news is certainly acceptable and professional, by the time you get that news on the platform, it is already affected the markets and now becomes useless. It is almost impossible to compete with brokerage firms that are using Bloomberg terminals and T-1 connections for their news services.

While not all of these services are harmful, they are necessarily a reason to open an account with a specific Forex broker. You will find that most Forex brokers are essentially the same, and offer very identical packages. To be honest, the industry just isn't that innovative. By focusing on what truly matters to you specifically, you will find that you aren’t sucked into a Forex broker based upon “empty calories”.

Christopher Lewis

Christopher Lewis has been trading Forex for several years. He writes about Forex for many online publications, including his own site, aptly named The Trader Guy.

View the original article here

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Forex Teknik Analiz Paylasimi: EURGBP Terknik Analiz 25 Aralik 2011

Forex Teknik Analiz Paylasimi: EURGBP Terknik Analiz 25 Aralik 2011: 25 Aralik 2011 tarihli EURGBP teknik analizi.

What is Forex?

What is Forex?
By []Walter Roberts

Foreign Exchange, also known as Forex or FX, is the buying and selling of different foreign currencies. Since you're using one currency to buy another, buying and selling happen in the same transaction. The foreign exchange market is the largest market in the world. Over 4 trillion U.S. Dollars are traded daily in global foreign exchange markets.

Forex trading includes transactions between governments, central banks, large and small banks, central banks, and currency speculators. More than half of foreign exchange trade volume is between large banking institutions. Large businesses often engage in forex trading also, usually in order to buy goods and services and pay employees in different countries. Increasingly (though still accounting for a very small percentage of the volume of foreign exchange trades) forex trading is being done by independent investors who are working through retail brokers.

The foreign exchange market is unlike other markets in many ways. The staggering volume of the trading that happens in the forex market has already been mentioned. Forex is also the most liquid market, meaning that investments can quickly and without expense be turned into cash, as they already are currency. The forex market is widespread geographically - all nations have currency and currency traders. An especially important difference between the forex market and other markets is that forex is actively traded 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. This can make the market especially appealing to the new class of individual home-based traders, who can be active in the market at any time of the day or night that they choose.

Get started in foreign currency trading today! Try the top automated Forex trading software now and get a full refund if you're not making US$250 a day in 60 days. Learn more at

Article Source: [] What is Forex?

Free Forex Guide - What is Forex?

Free Forex Guide - What is Forex?
By []Chen Petersen

Forex is short for foreign exchange. The Forex is the largest financial trading market in the world. Between $1 and $2 trillion dollars are traded on the Forex every day, compared with about $25 billion dollars traded daily on the New York Stock Exchange.

Forex involves the buying of one currency e.g. UK Pounds (GBP), and selling another currency e.g. U.S. Dollars (USD). (Currencies are always quoted and traded in pairs.) The actual buying and selling is done through a dealer or broker.

When you buy shares in a particular company, you are in effect investing your money in that company. You hope the company will be successful and prosper, so the value of your shares will increase. In just the same way, when you buy the currency of a particular country on the Forex, you are investing your money in the economy of that country. If the economy of the target country is healthy, then the value of your currency will increase, and you will make a profit.

The Forex is not located in any one physical location. The entire foreign exchange market operates on a 24 hour time scale. Itis run electronically through telecommunications links between centers in different countries.

The Forex market has been in existence since 1971, but until the start of the 21st. Century, only individuals and companies with tens of millions of dollars could afford to trade the Forex. All that has changed now however. All you need to get started is a computer with a fast (DSL) internet connection. Plus you can get started with an investment of as little as $50.

The seven most popular traded currencies in the Forex are U.S. Dollars (USD), Euros (EUR), Japanese Yen (JPY), UK Pounds (GBP), Swiss Francs (CHF), Canadian Dollars (CAD) and Australian Dollars (AUD). Foreign currency symbols consist of three letters. The first two letters identify the country, while the last letter identifies the currency of that country's currency.

For example:-

USD: U.S. = United States, D = Dollars.

GBP: GB = United Kingdom (Great Britain), P = Pounds.

The reason the Forex market is open 24 hours, is because at any time during the 24 hours, a financial center is open for business somewhere in the world. And because the foreign exchange market is open around the clock, you can trade the Forex any time that suits you best.

The four currencies with the highest trade volume (in order) are U.S. Dollars (USD), Euros (EUR), Japanese Yen (JPY) and UK Pounds (GBP). These four currencies together with Swiss Francs (CHF), Canadian Dollars (CAD) and Australian Dollars (AUD) are called Major Currencies.

Chen Petersen is a helping people become familiar with Forex and learn how to avoid the pitfalls and profit from Forex trading. Check out his site []Forex Info for more free Tips on how to trade Forex and profit from currency trading.

Article Source: [] Free Forex Guide - What is Forex?

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Forex Teknik Analiz Paylasimi: Teknik Analiz Temelleri Cubuk Grafikler

Forex Teknik Analiz Paylasimi: Teknik Analiz Temelleri Cubuk Grafikler: Bu bolumde grafik temelleri ve cubuk grafikleri isliyoruz.

Forex Teknik Analiz Paylasimi: Temel Teknik Analiz Dow Kurami ve Trendler

Forex Teknik Analiz Paylasimi: Temel Teknik Analiz Dow Kurami ve Trendler: Merhabalar, Bugunden sonra yazili olarak yapmayi dusundugum teknik analiz ve kisa bilgilendirmeleri Cam Studio yardimi ile video olarak ha...

How Forex Connects to Other Markets

By: Christopher Lewis

One of the most commonly overlooked places that a trader can find information as to the future direction of a Forex pair is in various financial markets around the world. Most Forex traders will simply stare at the currency pairs, completely oblivious to the world around them and the fact that it takes various reasons to move that money from one international border to another.

This is a very common problem with Forex traders, as they are brought into this world under the assumption that Forex is where all of their money will be made. They are often enticed by the fact that Forex offers the most leverage, and is supposed to be the most "simple" market out there. Because of this, they miss a lot of the more obvious signals that professionals around the world pay keen attention to.

By knowing some correlations, you can often see signals and other markets before you see them on your Forex terminal. As an example, the gold market is often either predictive more reactive of the Australian dollars moves. This is simply because Australia exports massive amounts of gold. If you think about it, it makes sense as companies will have to pay these Australian miners in Australian dollars. So as gold rises, as a general rule over time the Australian dollar will as well.

Another market the trader should pay attention to is the crude oil market. The futures market for crude can often have a massive effect on the Canadian dollar. This is because Canada exports so much crude oil to the rest of the world, with a special emphasis on the United States. Because of this, as the price of oil rises the value of the USD/CAD pair will fall - which of course signifies strengthen the Canadian currency. This is a double whammy of fact, has the oil markets are priced in dollars. So as the value of the US dollar falls, it will take more of them to buy those barrels of oil.

Quite often, the yen base pairs are a good proxy for risk. In other words, as the world's markets rise in value - which of course signals that traders are feeling like taking risk, the value the yen typically falls. The main reason for this is that a lot of large institutions will borrow their funding in Japanese yen, and invest abroad in countries that have higher rates of return. As these institutions feel more nervous about the markets, they will often bring money back to Japan in order to pay off these short-term loans. This is essentially what the so-called "carry trade" was about.

By knowing a couple of these correlations, you can often see an anomaly in one market ahead of the other one. For example, if you see gold breaking through resistance, there is a very good chance that you will see a rise in the value of the Australian dollar. Or perhaps you see crude oil falling in price. As it breaks through support, the US dollar will typically rise in value over the Canadian dollar. As you can see, these are trading signals in and of themselves but rather a good way to get a "heads up" on where to be looking for trade setups in the currency markets.

Christopher Lewis

Christopher Lewis has been trading Forex for several years. He writes about Forex for many online publications, including his own site, aptly named The Trader Guy.

View the original article here

Friday, December 23, 2011

Forex Trading Tool - The Three Trendline Strategy

Forex Trading Tool - The Three Trendline Strategy
By []Michael A Jones

Newcomers to trading the foreign exchange currency markets do well to accept the observation of experienced seasoned traders that the idea of a perfect Forex trading tool is an illusion.

While no perfect Forex trading tool exists, using a combination of tools to identify a converging of favorable market factors can yield a majority of high probability trades over a period of time.

Trendlines certainly deserve close consideration and many successful traders add them to their collection of Forex trading tools.

It should be stated at the outset that trendlines by themselves do not provide a strong enough signal to warrant making a trade. They are a useful addition and provide confirmation of signals from other tools. (See resource box for a visual example of using a trendline as a trade entry point)

The Three Trendline Strategy

Consider these three main types of trendlines you need to know and use if you are going to make any sense of trendlines.

Trendlines are lines drawn across significant lows in an uptrend, and significant highs in a downtrend. The more candles to the left and right of the lowest candle in an uptrend or the highest candle in a downtrend make the low or high point more significant.

1. Short Term Trendlines

Draw these lines across the most recent two lows (for an uptrend) or highs (for a downtrend). These are best observed on a smaller time frame such as a 15 minute or 30 minute chart.

2. Medium Term Trendlines

These are best observed on a higher time frame such as a 60 minute chart. Again connect the nearest significant low to current price action to the previous significant low in an uptrend or the nearest significant high to current price action to the previous significant high in a downtrend.

3. Long Term Trendlines

Use higher time frames such as the 4 hour chart or the daily chart to draw long term trendlines using the same method described for Medium Term Trendlines.

The long term trendline can be a powerful Forex trading tool. Keep in mind that the daily chart is used prominently by traders of big institutions. Such traders probably do not engage in small moves on an intra day level. They are more concerned about taking a position on a currency pair.

The daily chart is consulted by them when making decisions. So by drawing a trendline on a daily chart you can present to yourself graphically just where price is and where it is likely to either possibly bounce and retrace or continue with the current momentum.

Using Trendlines As An Effective Forex Trading Tool

Trendlines on the short time frame merely give you a defined picture of current price action. These trendlines are broken often during the course of a day. It is probably not a good idea to enter trades based on trendline breaks from a small time frame chart. Their main use is to give you a clear, instantly recognizable graphical representation of current price behavior.

However, here is where trendlines can prove to be a useful Forex trading tool:

If you notice price coming back to test a trendline on the higher time frames, (anything over 30 minutes), look at other factors. For example:

Draw in horizontal lines to mark key support and resistance using previous highs and lows.

Draw Fibonacci retracement and extension levels.

Calculate the daily pivot points and put them on your chart.

Have the 200 EMA (Exponential Moving Average) shown on your charts.

Now, if price were to bounce or touch the trendline on the medium to higher time frames, that is, on the 60 minute, 4 hour, or even daily charts, does that price point also coincide with or match up with one of the other indicators mentioned above?

If for example the trendline intersects with a pivot point which is also a Fibonacci 50% or 62% retracement, or 127% or 162% extension, then you have a convergence of factors. If you entered a trade at that point there is a high probability you will catch at least 10 to 20 pips on the first move on the bounce.

Looking for such opportunities takes patience. They don't come up so often but when they do you can be ALMOST guaranteed a successful trade if you keep your first profit target to a reasonable level.

If trading multiple lots, then be sure to take your first profit at the 10 to 20 pip level and let one or two other lots run if price continues in the direction you anticipate. At the same time of course you would move up your stop to break even point after taking first profit so your trade can now run without risk.

Employ trendlines as a Forex trading tool with caution and discretion. Covering your charts with every trendline possible will only result in confusion and blurry analysis.

One or two trendlines at key or significant swing points, (price highs and lows) can give you a defined, clear picture of price action, which, when coupled with your other Forex trading tools, can result in profitable trades.

See how to use trendlines to get an optimum trade entry point:

How do you trade the non-farm payroll report? Read this:

For the best free economic calendars plus a free pivot point calculator and Fibonacci calculator click here:

Article Source: [] Forex Trading Tool - The Three Trendline Strategy
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Forex - Forex Trading 101 - A Basic Understanding

Forex - Forex Trading 101 - A Basic Understanding
By []David Silva

The Forex market has been available to individual traders for nearly ten years now. In the past, it was only available to large financial institutions, such as banks, big companies, multi-national corporations and top currency dealers. However, now that it's open to individual traders, it's become a hot topic that many new traders are eager to learn more about.

So what is it? Forex is short for foreign exchange. Forex trading is trading in the currencies of the world through the Forex market, which is the largest financial market in the world. In fact, it generates trillions of dollars of currency exchanges everyday.

In addition, it operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, making it the most liquid market in the world. Though trading starts in Sydney and ends in New York, Forex trading is not centralized in a single location. This means you can trade in Forex market whenever you wish, regardless of the local time. A big advantage for traders, especially for those in search of optimal liquidity.

Trading in Forex requires trades to done in pairs. When you purchase a currency, you sell another currency at the same time. The most commonly traded currency pairs in the Forex market are: USD/GBP, USD/JPY, USD/CHF, and GBP/USD. As you can see, each currency is represented by three letters. USD is the United States dollar. GBP is the British pound sterling. JPY is the Japanese yen. CHF is the Swiss franc.

The first three letters of a currency pair represent the currency you used for the investment, while the last three letters represent the currency in which you invested. For example, USD/GBP means you used United States dollars to purchase British pound sterlings.

To get started in the Forex market, you'll need a computer with a high speed internet connection, a funded Forex account, and a trading system. Most individual Forex traders will also use a broker, an individual or company that offers assistance to the trading process.

A broker earns his money off a small commission from your trades. In addition, although he'll be trading your funded account, all decisions will remain yours, assuming that's your wish. Here's what else a Forex broker can do for you:

- Offer you advice regarding real time quotes.

- Offer you advice on what to buy or sell based on news feeds.

- Trade your funded account basing solely on his or her decision if that's your wish.

- Provide you with software data to help you with your trading decisions.

Many experts say that you'll never really understand how Forex works until you've traded in the market. To help you gain this experience without having to risk your money, you can set up a demo account at many of the Forex educational sites available on the Internet. You can also invest a modest amount for a Forex simulator, which allows you to explore a never-ending variety of market conditions and see the impact they've had on currencies in the past.

There's no question Forex offers the trader the opportunity to earn a boat load of money. However, as with any other form of trading, and particularly because this is such a liquid market, it does have its risk. No trader will make money on every trade, and even seasoned traders can get caught and face substantial loses if they aren't careful and wise.

Discover everything you ever wanted to know about mastering Forex trading [], including Forex strategies, how to find a broker, managed accounts and much more... all at absolutely no charge ... Mastering Forex Trading [].

Article Source: [] Forex - Forex Trading 101 - A Basic Understanding

Forex Teknik Analiz Paylasimi: EURUSD Uzun vadeli analiz.

Forex Teknik Analiz Paylasimi: EURUSD Uzun vadeli analiz.: Uzun suredir asagi trend gosteren EURUSD, uzun donem bu trendi kirmak icin sert bir hareket yapmak zorunda. Gunluk...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Vob hakkinda bilgiler: fiyatlama modelleri

Vob hakkinda bilgiler: fiyatlama modelleri: Opsiyon priminin (fiyatının) hesaplanmasında kullanılmak üzere iki temel yöntem geliştirilmiştir: 2.8.1. Black & Scholes Modeli [1] ...

Vob hakkinda bilgiler: opsiyon fiyatini etkileyen faktorler

Vob hakkinda bilgiler: opsiyon fiyatini etkileyen faktorler: Hisse senedi opsiyonunun fiyatını etkileyen 5 faktör bulunmaktadır [1] : Hisse senedinin spot piyasa fiyatı: İster alım opsiyonu ister...

Forex Predictions - Q4 2011

By: Christopher Lewis

With the fourth quarter of 2011 rapidly approaching us, it is time to look at some of the currency pairs and what they may have in store for traders.

The EUR/USD pair will more than likely be a bit of a challenge to traders, as it will be extremely sensitive to headlines coming out of both the EU and the US. Both economies are in trouble if we are honest about it, but the credit crisis out of Europe could take the lead role in determining how this pair plays out over the next couple of months. With the Europeans finding themselves in a very difficult predicament involving the Greeks, as well as some other countries, I find it hard to think this pair will not fall.

You must remember however that in these types of situations, whenever “good” or “less bad” news comes out about the crisis, you can often have a wicked snap back in pricing. Because of this, I am looking for the pair to have a generally negative bias, but extreme swings in pricing. The 1.35 area is in play at the time of writing, and the 1.30 area isn’t hard to imagine by the end of the year – but it will be based upon some kind of news as opposed to a grind.

The cable finds itself in an interesting position. While the UK isn’t as bad as the EU currently, the country’s banks are knee-deep in the muck when it comes to the EU’s problems. The fact this is true will weigh heavily on the banking sector in the UK. Unfortunately for the UK, the banking sector is huge and will certainly play havoc with the British economy. As a result,Forex predictions for the Pound aren't overwhelmingly positive.

The area to watch will be the 1.5850 area. If the GBP/USD can close below that level on a daily candle, there is a real threat to the downside. Some of the possible targets below include the 1.55 and 1.50 levels. This pair is sensitive to the global risk appetite in general, and as such should be greatly affected by it. If the stock markets continue to fall, it will only be a time before this pair falls. Also adding to the pressure is that a couple of members of the Bank of England left the door open for more quantitative easing.

With the Swiss National Bank making an announcement that they “can no longer tolerate the EUR/CHF being below 1.20” and that they are “willing to buy unlimited foreign currency in order to weaken the Franc” the CHF is certainly an interesting currency at the moment. There are a couple of different things that could come of this, but the most likely scenario is that the SNB has put a floor in the XXX/CHF pairs for the medium-term.

Because of this, the USD/CHF suddenly becomes a lot different than it once was. This used to be a pair that was a matching of two safe haven currencies. However, with the SNB willing to weaken the Franc, that is no longer true. In fact, this will basically reverse the psychology of the pair as it used to be the Franc would beat out the USD for safe haven status, but this pair will lean towards the USD side when times are tough, and we expect them to be tough in the 4th quarter. We think the USD/CHF continues toward the parity mark during the 4th quarter, although it might be a bit of a grind at times.

All of these Forex predictions are based upon a less than stellar outlook for the global economy. The European problems are much more dire than people have thought previously, and it appears that Europe is stuck with several options: none of them good.

Christopher Lewis

Christopher Lewis has been trading Forex for several years. He writes about Forex for many online publications, including his own site, aptly named The Trader Guy.

View the original article here

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ermeni Soykirim Yasasi ve Fransa

Son gelismeleri hayretler icinde izliyorum. Aslinda politikanin ne kadar cetrefilli ve agir kokulu oldugunu bilmeme ragmen, bu kadar fazla sayida olunun uzerine politika yapmak pek de etik gelmiyor bana. Neden mi? Yuzyillardir milyonlarca insani katleden ya da baski altina alan bir Fransa’nin Ermeni vatandaslarimizi ya da 1915 ve sonrasi hayatini kaybeden Ermenileri dusundugunu hic sanmiyorum da ondan. Avrupa ulkelerinin buyuk cogunlugu kendi topraklarinda ve deniz asiri ulkelerde irili ufakli katliam ve soykirim yapmaya o kadar aliskinlardir ki kendi topraklari disinda bir olaya bu denli ilgi gostermeleri enteresan geliyor bana. Su an Almanya birakin yahudi soykirimi yoktur diyenlere hapis vermeyi, bilmem kacinci reich’I yukseltmeye calisan, gamali hac altinda toplanmis ve beyin yerine kaslari gelismis kisileri ancak 11 kisiyi oldurdukten sonra tutuklayabiliyor. Cogu ulke kendi tarihi ile hesaplasmayi otelemeye calisiyor ve bu dogal bir olay. Itiraf almak ya da gercekleri ortaya cikarip bir karar almak zor. Ote yandan BM soykirim tanimini acik olarak yapmis ve bir soykirimin maddi ve manevi unsurlarini belirtmis durumda. Ayni zamanda nasil ve ne sartlarla ispatlanmasini da acikca ifade etmis. O zaman neden insan haklari mahkemesine dava acmak yerine parlementodan apar topar bir yasa gecirilmeye calisiyor. Yoksa istihdam artirici bir onlem mi bu? Zira cok sayida gardiyan ve hukuk gorevlisi gerektirecek tarzda bir yasa bu gecirmeye calistiklari. Bir baska anlayamadigim konu ise kendi ulkesi bile olan bir toplumun bu tip bir hakkini ganator devlet olarak Fransa’nin almasi. Su asamadan sonra Fransa ve Ermenistan’a ziyarette bulunacak is adami, devlet erkani ve turitler giriste Ermeni Soykirimi’ni tanidiklarini belirten bir ibraname mi imzalayacaklar? Bugun sayin Orhan Dink’in yaptigi cikis aslinda cok yerinde, kendisini takdir ettim. Bazi insanlarin soylemeye cekindigini dobra, dobra soylemis. Turkiye’de yerlesik insanlarin kavgalari da, sevincleri de bizi ilgilendirir. Bu topraklar yuzyillardir bu ve benzer olaylari yasamis fakat hala ayakta ve beraber. Simdi dusunuyorum da dostum Berc ki kendisi Ermeni ve Turk Kizilayi’ndan takdir belgeli bir kan bagislayicisidir; bana gelecek ve diyecek ki Gokhan siz benim atalarimin soyunu kirdiniz ama ben torunlariniza kan verip onlari yasama bagliyorum. Ben de diyecegim ki Berc biz senin atalarini sevmedigimiz ve istemedigimiz icin onlarin soyunu kirdik, o nedenle senin kanini ne kendime ne de soydaslarima istemiyorum. Hadi bu gelin de Istanbul asigi ve gercek Istanbul’lu Berc’e ya da en sevdigi olum doseginde kan bekleyen vatandasa anlatin. Soykirim hassas ve nitelikli bir konu. Bu nedenle kararlarin tarihci ve hukukcular tarafindan kanuna ve gerekliliklere uygun alinmasi lazim. Tarih ile yuzlesmek hafif bir konu degil amator, ilgisiz ve tarafli kisilerin elinde daha derin yaralar acar. Fransa bu amatorlugu ve etik disi politika atagini yapmis olabilir biz sagduyulu olalim yeter.

Company Formation - Choosing the Right Jurisdiction

Company Formation - Choosing the Right Jurisdiction
By []Roger J Lee

In today's global economy, an increasing number of companies are setting up offshore operations. Today, a sizable number of MNCs and small to medium sized companies are based offshore. Likewise, numerous self-employed consultants hold offshore companies and offer their services to clients across the world. There are several reasons behind why businesses are choosing to incorporate offshore companies such as low taxes, ease of company formation and ongoing compliance, transparent and efficient legal system, and access to world-class financial institutes.

A number of factors need to be considered and deliberated upon while setting up an offshore business. In order to choose the right business jurisdiction, critical elements such as the business environment, costs involved, ease of company formation, ease of ongoing compliance, bureaucracy levels, and tax regime need to be taken into account.

Ease of company formation, minimal statutory compliance, and low bureaucracy levels

Incorporating an offshore entity holds many benefits for a company; easier business administration being one of the key advantages. Businesses that are constrained by the convoluted legislation, red tape and compliance-related hurdles in their own countries often choose to incorporate an offshore company. Tax rates, regulatory requirements, and economic incentives differ greatly from country to country. Choosing the right jurisdiction for incorporating a business should therefore be done keeping these considerations in mind. Business incorporation takes very little time these days and the administrative tangles are minimal with most of them being handled by a company agent. All you need to do is make use of the company incorporation services offered by a consultancy that specializes in the field.

Conducive business environment

The general business climate should be pro-business and pro-talent and this is usually reflected in a country's immigration policies, regulatory environment, and the openness of its people. It is important to choose a jurisdiction that not only ensures the availability of excellent infrastructure but also enforces policies and laws that promote entrepreneurship and commerce.

Higher profitability

Offshore business incorporation can be highly profitable as a wide-variety of shares, bonds, commodities and other financial instruments can be held and managed through a single offshore company. Moreover, investments made through an offshore company are generally exempted from tax on the income from the investments.

Low taxes

Many leading jurisdictions that cater to global investors offer low tax rates and minimum reporting requirements. This means that the company benefits not only from low corporate tax, but also from lesser compliance and other regulatory costs. Moreover, many such countries offer no inheritance tax or capital gains tax.

Singapore as your destination for business incorporation

Singapore offers numerous advantages which makes it one of the best places to start a business.

According to the Doing Business 2010 Report Singapore retained its ranking as the world's easiest location to do business, due to its low import and export costs, well-framed laws for protecting investors, and labour regulations that favour employers. Due to its low and simple tax regime, Forbes rated Singapore as having the 11th lowest tax misery in the world. Singapore is also the most competitive country in Asia according to the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report. Unlike other jurisdictions, there is no requirement to rent or purchase a physical office in Singapore for company incorporation. Singapore's corporate tax rate is a flat 17%. Additionally, there are tax exemptions for startup companies. There is no capital gains tax in Singapore. Furthermore, incorporating a company in Singapore only takes one day. All these factors make the country an ideal jurisdiction for business incorporation.

Hong Kong as your destination for business incorporation

Like Singapore, Hong Kong is one of Asia's major economies and a preferred choice for business incorporation. Hong Kong is ranked as the world's freest economy and also ranked third in the World Bank's 'Ease of Doing Business Report', 2010. Hong Kong has the lowest tax rates in Asia and one of the lowest rates in the world. Taxes in Hong Kong are levied on the "territorial principle". In other words, taxes are only levied on income "derived from or arising in" Hong Kong and not on income sourced outside Hong Kong. No tax is levied on profits arising abroad, even if they are remitted to Hong Kong.

Roger Lee is a Singapore-based freelance writer who writes on a wide range of topics on doing business in various jurisdictions. For more information on topics discussed in this article, refer to []Singapore company formation and []Hong Kong company formation guides.

Article Source: [] Company Formation - Choosing the Right Jurisdiction

Forex Future Trading

Forex Future Trading
By []Tamil Selvi

The profits of forex over currency futures trading are significant. The difference between the two instruments range from truth-seeking realities such as the history of each, their objective viewers, and their importance in the modern forex markets, to more concrete issues such as transactions fees, margin necessities, access to liquidity, easiness of use and the technical and educational support obtainable by sources of each service. These dissimilarities sketched below:

More Volume = Improved Liquidity. Daily money futures volume on the CME is now above 2% of the volume seen each day in the forex markets. Incomparable liquidity is one of many advantages that forex markets clutch more currency futures. The truth told this is old news. Any currency professional can tell you that cash has been king since daybreak of the modern currency markets in the early 1970's. The actual news is that individual dealers from every forex risk profile now have full right to use to the opportunities offered in the forex markets.

Forex markets give tighter bid to offer increases than currency futures markets. By reversing the futures cost to evaluate it to cash, you can willingly see that in the USD/CHF example over, inverting the futures selling price of .5894 - .5897 results in a currency price of 1.6958 - 1.6966, 8 pips vs. the 5-pip increase available in the forex currency markets.

Forex markets offer higher advantage and lower margin charge than those found in currency futures trading. When trading currency futures, buyers have one margin charge for "day" buy and sells and another for "overnight" situations. These forex margin rates can differ depending on business size. When trading cash markets, you have admission to the same margin rates day and night. Certainly, trading on margin enlarges equally your fx profits AND your losses.

Forex markets make use of easily understood and across the world used terms and cost quotes. Currency futures quotes are inversions of the cash value. For instance, if the cash price for USD/CHF is 1.7100/1.7105, the future corresponding is .5894/ .5897; a method followed only in the limits of futures trading.

Currency futures charges have the added difficulty of with an advance forex part that takes into account a time factor, interest rates and the interest disparities flanked by different currencies. The forex markets need no such changes, mathematical manipulation or thought for the interest rate factor of futures agreements.

Forex trades performed through are charge free*. Currency futures have the extra baggage of trading commissions, trade fees and defrayal fees.

Tamil is a Copywriter of []. She written many articles in various topics.For more information visit: []. contact her at []

Article Source: [] Forex Future Trading

Options For Offshore Company Formation

Options For Offshore Company Formation
By []Lawrence R Smith

No matter where you live, it may be prudent for you to consider offshore company formation. The practice of setting up an offshore company generally refers to registering a company in a jurisdiction other than the country in which you live. There are many reasons that entrepreneurs decide to take, or start up, their businesses offshore. One of the most obvious is taxation. Some countries around the world have high taxation rates, which can be legitimately minimized but setting up a company in an offshore jurisdiction. But tax is certainly not the only reason. It can make sense to diversify your financial and business activities for operational efficiencies or to expand the geographical coverage of the business.

An offshore company offers alternatives to your domestic interests and activities. It can also offer protection, or security, of assets. The diversity of options for forming a company offshore can also help during poor economic times. Apart from asset protection, offshore company formation can also be used for inheritance planning, operation of investment companies, shipping companies, overseas property investment, owning trade licenses and royalties and more.

The process of incorporating an offshore structure can be quick and easy. The process does depend on the jurisdiction that the company is being registered in as each government has their required due diligence, but there are also aspects that are common across jurisdictions. Advances in technology have also served to speed up the process of company incorporation. Documents can be transmitted, completed and returned in real time. Engaging the services of an experienced corporate services provider can assist with the entire process of developing an appropriate corporate structure and the subsequent offshore company registration process. This will make the entire company registration much smoother and quicker.

Choosing the right location for an rel=nofollow []offshore company can seem daunting but by considering factors such as objectives for the company, location of residence and location of clients and suppliers this step can be made clearer. Two Asian countries, Singapore and Hong Kong, are very popular with entrepreneurs around the world who recognize the advantages offered and recognition as global business hubs are beneficial for their business operations. Regardless of the jurisdiction chosen, offshore company formation can provide significant benefits for entrepreneurs, including improving global trading operations, tax efficiencies, improving international business reputation, asset protection and protection against economic and political uncertainty. Forming an offshore company will provide a variety of options and a new way of moving ahead in the business world.

Healy Consultants is a leading corporate services firm that assists entrepreneurs and investors with their company incorporation requirements. The firm provides a range of services including Offshore Company Formation, tax planning and offshore investing. More information on company incorporation can be found by visiting

Article Source: [] Options For Offshore Company Formation

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Forex Automoney - Scam Or Legit Trading System?

Forex Automoney - Scam Or Legit Trading System?
By []Daniel Saeper

With the growing popularity of Forex as a method of investment in the market, many trading systems & software programs have popped up promising quick gains & easy profits.  Although many of these systems are scams, fronts created with the sole purpose of taking your hard earned money & leaving you nothing to show for it, there are some which are legit, very profitable trading systems set up by experts in the field.  Today we have a look at one of the most popular Forex systems available, Forex AutoMoney, to determine whether it's just another scam or if this software delivers the easy profits it promises.

The Signals

Forex AutoMoney is a software which provides automatic signals that tell traders when to buy a currency & when to sell. The signals are delivered via email, text message, a pop up software or other via another method which the trader is able to put in place.  Forex Automoney offers several strategies(my personal favorite is the intraday strategy), when the signals are delivered depends on the trading strategy you've chosen to work with.  Remarkably, the signals are very simple to follow, even for new traders.  The software also provides trend charts for more advanced traders who are able to read such analysis.

Real Results Vs. Advertising

The website promises to send signals which indicate exactly when to buy/sell currencies in order to maximize profit potential, in reality this is not possible.  Profit can never actually be maximized due to the nature of the Forex market, there's always the possibility of more profit, a wider spread or a larger trade.  The website also states that "you can make $2,500 a week!" this statement is absolutely true, however the amount of money a trader can actually make using the system varies greatly on the initial investment.  For example, if a trader deposits $100 to start, it will be a long time before they can earn over two thousand dollars per week. On the other hand, if a trader makes an initial deposit of $10,000, then earning $2,500 per week based on the signals is very feasible and probable.

The key is to realize that while all sites advertise, they generally make it sound like getting rich quick is simple, when in reality there are strings attached. This doesn't take away from the real profit potential though, it just puts it in perspective.

Scam or Legit?

This trading system can help traders execute profitable trades based on their signals.  While it can be a money maker, a user has to have the right tools to be successful. Basic knowledge of the Forex market(following buy/sell signals), an account with a broker and an initial deposit are required in order to really earn from  Forex AutoMoney Based upon our individual review and the reviews of others in the Forex market, we've concluded that this system is legit, but only if the right tools are incorporated into the trading process.  To further solidify their position as a proven system, Forex Automoney has decided to allow traders to try their system for a trial period.  The reason for this trial is to allow traders to try their system, determine if the signals work for them and, if the trader is making money, they will get hooked on the system.

Now listen carefully, if you're ready to make real money in Forex, earning more pips than you ever imagined completely on autopilot, take 2 minutes to read the next page. Forex AutoMoney [] is offering their amazing automated trading services at a huge discount, you're gonna want to get in on this limited time offer!

If you're ready to make real money in Forex - []Click Here

Article Source: [] Forex Automoney - Scam Or Legit Trading System?

How do Forex Automated Systems Work?

By: Christopher Lewis

If you are going to trade Forex, sooner or later you will hear about automated Forex systems. They are also called “robots”, “expert advisors”, and “auto traders”. No matter what you call them, they all operate in a similar manner. While the exact technical set ups will vary from system to system, the operation of them will essentially be the same.

You will download and install the system to your Forex trading platform, and set up should only be a couple of steps. The basic premise of these things is that they are essentially an “add on” to your trading platform. This allows for easy installation, and uninstalling is just as simple. Because of this, many traders will actually have several different systems that they use in a variety of market environments.

The systems will fall into two basic categories: automatic and semi-automatic. The automatic ones will place trades for you, without any input from you at all. The semi-automatic ones will simply give you a signal or suggestion as to which way to trade a particular currency pair.

The automatic one will simply buy or sell based upon a sometimes complex mathematical formula that tells the computer when it is time to enter or exit the trade. The automated system simply does all of the work for you. It is very common for these systems to have a hidden proprietary algorithm that you never see in order to make these decisions. The one thing they will all have in common is that they are all mathematically based. Hiding the algorithm is just a simple way of protecting their intellectual property.

The semi-automatic system offered by Forex automatedtraders will simply let you know when it gets a signal to buy or sell. The system will still have that hidden algorithm that you won’t see, but instead of placing the trade you will often see some kind of pop up alert when it is time to trade. You can then choose as to whether or not you want to trade the signal, allowing greater flexibility for the trader.

The majority of these systems are made for the MetaTrader 4 platform as it is by far the most popular one out there. There are systems made for other platforms such as GFT’s DealBook 360, NinjaTrader, TradeStation, and many others. However, you will find an almost unending supply of them for the MT4 platform as even the brokers that use other platforms will often offer MT4 as well.

The better Forex automated systems will come with a money back guarantee, normally through some kind of ClickBank vendor account. Because of this you should be able to feel somewhat comfortable with the software as your money can be refunded. However, it is recommended that you try a new system out on a demo account just to make sure it performs up to your standards. Like anything else, there will be some that are better than others and your mileage may vary so to speak.

Christopher Lewis

Christopher Lewis has been trading Forex for several years. He writes about Forex for many online publications, including his own site, aptly named The Trader Guy.

View the original article here

Monday, December 19, 2011

Offshore Company Formation - Slogan of Modern Times

Offshore Company Formation - Slogan of Modern Times
By []Ryan Graff

Offshore company formation has plenty of benefits, for the company as well as the country in which the company is being formed. It gives companies a wonderful opportunity to expand their horizons, if they capture a new market and get involved in activities which would earn them goodwill. Goodwill, it must be said, is like oxygen for any business enterprise. It would not be an overstatement to say that a unit can function without money but certainly cannot function without approval from people in whose land it has to come up. Quite a few business houses, and big ones for that matter, have faced closure because of lack of public approval.

What are the advantages that entice an entrepreneur for offshore company formation? Well, the advantages are plenty and, therefore, the enticement is immense. For starters, there are some places with huge manpower and where labour is cheap. Companies involved in automobile sector, shipping industry etc. get a shot in the arm with the availability of such huge human resource. Workers employed at lowest levels do not even require any specific education, which makes it even simpler for companies to get employees.

There are countries where the availability of people with technical background is immense and it becomes a happy hunting ground for companies in the IT sector. Similarly, people with management background are taken up by management firms. It is impossible to assemble all these people in one country; but if entrepreneurs decide to take their enterprises to places where labour is plenty and cheap then it would prove to be beneficial for both parties; one would get employment and the other employees. Together they can combine to take the business to new highs. No wonder then that present times have seen the mushrooming of outsourcing culture, where the job is outsourced to companies in far flung areas. Indeed, offshore company formation is the slogan of modern times, and this phenomenon is only going to rise more and more in times to come.

However, while thinking about offshore company formation [], entrepreneurs would do well to ensure that every rule of the concerned country is followed and nothing is done which would hurt the sentiments of the people there. These precautions could ensure that the whole exercise of offshore company formation proves to be a resounding success.

About the Author: The Author is an experienced writer presently writing on topic like electronic company formation [] for taking business services to form a company [] in the UK.

Forex - The Most Traded Currency

Forex - The Most Traded Currency
By []John J. Drummond

In the Forex market, you can trade a large number of currencies: dollars, Yens, Euro, Francs and so on. These are some of the widely known currencies and there are also a large number of less commonly traded currencies such as the Israeli Shekel, Jordanian Dinar, Brazilian Real, and so on.

But which of these is the most popular currency? Which is traded the most?

In truth, this question is slightly misstated. In Forex you don't trade a single currency, you trade a currency pair, one currency against the other. For instance, if you're buying the USD/JPY pair, you're buying US dollars with Japanese Yens, if you're selling this pair, you're selling US Dollars for Yens.

The most heavily traded currency today is the EUR/USD. The Euro, which is used in over 15 countries in Europe and the American Dollar constitute a large percentage of the entire trading volume in the market. In fact, no other currency even comes close.

The other heavily traded currency pairs, called the Majors include the USD/JPY, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, AUD/USD, and CAD/USD. As you can see, the US Dollar is present in all of the major currency pairs making it the most traded single currency. Again, in Forex there is no such thing as single trading any currency but if you insist then this is the one.

What does it mean?

It means that the state of the American economy and the market sentiment toward it have a dramatic effect on the entire Forex market. It influecnes the major currency pairs and a huge proportion of the trading volume. Paying close attention to the US economy and the American currency takes on a greater significance for any Forex trader worth his salt.

The amazing thing is that you can focus your time and effort on any of the major currency pairs and dedicate all of your trading to that pair. The volume in each of these pairs is so great that it can be enough to make a full time living, if done right, of course.

While the EUR/USD is the most heavily traded pair, each of the other majors has an immense volume as well, making market manipulation more difficult and giving room for trading systems to operate in an open market.

So, study the US Dollar well and you may have all you need to profit in Forex.

For a high probability system to trade currencies visit []LMT Forex Formula Review

For Forex trading news and analysis visit

John Drummond works from home. He writes often on business, trading, and finances.

Article Source: [] Forex - The Most Traded Currency

Sunday, December 18, 2011

200 EMA Forex Strategy - Easy For Beginners

200 EMA Forex Strategy - Easy For Beginners
By []Michael A Jones

Are you a relatively new trader looking for a solid forex strategy?

A challenge facing many new traders when developing their forex strategy is the ability to identify the overall trend for intra-day trading.

The 200 EMA (Exponential Moving Average) can solve the problem.

The 200 EMA is one of the most popular indicators of all time with Forex traders the world over, and for that reason alone is worth noting due to the psychological effect on the market place price can have when hovering around the 200 EMA.

Using The 200EMA Strategy

To use this very powerful Forex strategy, create charts on 3 time frames:

4 hour
1 hour
15 minute

Now plot a 200 EMA indicator on each chart and, as a suggestion, color it red, for easy visual impact.

Preferably tile the 3 windows containing your 3 charts into a vertical fashion so you can see the 3 time frames next to each other. It will squeeze up the information on the charts somewhat but for the purpose of this strategy that doesn't matter.

Now scroll through the various currency pairs you like to trade.

If you prefer to trade only pairs with a smaller pip spread, they amount to about 9.

They are:


What you are looking for is any currency pair that bucks the 200 EMA on the 15 minute chart.

So for example, look at the EUR/USD pair and note the position of price relative to the 200 EMA on the 3 time frames.

If price is well above the 200 EMA on the 4 hour chart, well above the 200 EMA on the 1 hour chart, but BELOW the 200 EMA on the 15 minute chart, price is bucking the trend.

The overall trend is up, price has temporarily gone against the trend and is currently in a retracement.

Using the fundamental trading principle of "buy the dips in an uptrend", "sell the rallies in a downtrend", look for a suitable entry point.

In the example given above you would look for an opportunity to buy the EUR/USD, perhaps watching for a candle signal that price has exhausted it's downward momentum, bucking the 15 minute chart 200 EMA and will soon resume it's upward momentum.

This is an easy exercise and it can be done once or twice a day, taking just a few minutes.

Watch For Price Bucking The Trend

Once you see price bucking the 200 EMA on the 15 minute chart, whereas it is on the opposite side on the 4 hour and 1 hour charts, sit up and take note. Watch carefully and grab the opportunity to get in and make some pips.

After a little practice you will see how extremely powerful this simple Forex strategy is - certainly deserving a place in your trading tool kit.

Get a useful free tip on how to use the MACD indicator for safe trading here:

For a free candle & chart pattern recognition reference tool click here:

For the best free economic calendars plus a free pivot point calculator and Fibonacci calculator click here:

Article Source: [] 200 EMA Forex Strategy - Easy For Beginners

Is Forex a Scam? The Shocking Truth Will Surprise You

Is Forex a Scam? The Shocking Truth Will Surprise You
By []Marion Lament

When considering the question "is Forex a scam" the first thing that comes to my mind is the old saying "Never invest in anything that you don't understand." Follow this advice and you are unlikely to fall victim to scams. Another saying worth consideration: "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is." A third thing to remember is that you should know your risk tolerance and investment goals. Are you comfortable with the idea of losing your money? When will you need this money? You might be more risk tolerant at 20 than you would be a few years from retirement.

Foreign Exchange trading, or Forex, is the trading in international currencies. Is Forex a scam? The currency markets are a large and liquid market, attracting speculative short term traders. International currency markets are risky and reliant on rumors, world news, and politics. Foreign Exchange markets have been described as a zero sum game. There is a fixed supply of currency on the world markets and for one person to make money on a Foreign Exchange market trade, someone else must lose money.

There are two types of traders in Forex; market makers are the large banks and investment houses, and retail Forex brokers are smaller players. Cash FX is the shorthand name of the commodities traded. Retail Forex brokers can be the subject of scams. Although the market is legitimate and regulated by laws such as the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000, it is common for people to lose money more than they gain. Broker's commissions, and sales of software programs and information are more surefire ways money is made in the realm of Forex trading. So the answer to the question "Is Forex a scam?" might be yes, and it might be no.

Forex Avenger is one of the best all around programs to succeed in Forex. There is another review of the program here: Forex Avenger Review [] Or if you're still unsure about which Forex program is right for you, be sure to check out [] to find the Forex program that's right for you.

Article Source: [] Is Forex a Scam? The Shocking Truth Will Surprise You

Lombard Krediler

Lombard kredisi genel olarak kıymetli evrak ile temin edilmiş olan kredi olarak tarif edilmektedir1. Lombard kredisinde, menkul, hayat sigortası alacağı veya ortaklık hakkını içeren kıymetli evrak gibi bankaya tevdi edilerek saklanması mümkün olan ve kolaylıkla devredilebilen ve paraya çevrilebilen mameleki değerlerin teminat gösterilmek suretiyle verilen banka kredisi söz konusu olur2. Makalemizde ağırlık olarak duracağımız konu olan menkul kıymetler lombardında, anonim ortaklık pay senetleri rehnedilmek suretiyle açılan kredi söz konusudur. Şüphesiz, sadece değerli kâğıtların rehni değil, altın, gümüş, platin gibi bir bankada saklanabilen değerli madenlerin teminat gösterilmesi karşılığında alınan kredi de lombard kredidir3. Ancak, kredinin teminatının konusu olarak uygulamada en çok, borsada işlem gören hisse senetleri tercih edilmektedir. Görüldüğü üzere, lombard kredi bir ayni kredidir4.
Lombard kredisi kısa süreli krediler arasında zikredilebilir. Bu tür kredilerin süresi genellikle uzatılmamaktadır5. Şüphesiz, lombard kredinin rehinle güvence altına alınmış cari hesap kredisi şeklinde verilmesi de mümkündür6. Lombard kredi, uygulamada genellikle süresi uzatılmayan kısa süreli krediler (köprü kredi) şeklinde verildiğinden işletme açısından geçici finansman aracıdır.

Offshore Company Formation - Avantages & Disadvantages

Offshore Company Formation - Avantages & Disadvantages
By []Earnest Leibermanso

Forming a company offshore has been considered a smart business move among a lot of social circles. Just remember that starting your own business is a huge ordeal to begin with, so when you consider an option like this one, you need to make sure it is not only the right decision for you to make, but also, is it the smartest decision? Will it be wise to form an offshore company under the jurisdiction of say Belize, Panama, or Switzerland?

Unfortunately, the concept of offshore incorporation carries with it a negative mindset. So many individuals have been led to believe that this type of entity is formed to hide shady business deals or to dodge paying one's taxes. Never has this been farther from the truth, when in reality, many legitimate businesses are using offshore location as a leveraging tool that would not be possible were it not for their location.

Why should I form a company offshore? There are three major reasons ahead of all the others and they are definite advantages where this concept is concerned.

Advantage #1 Legal protection

This should be the first reason for considering an offshore operation. Typical business operations tie the assets of the business to a name, usually the owner's. This is not the case with an offshore entity. The benefit to this is that your assets are now immune to lawsuits and other legal judgments.

Advantage #2 Privacy

Most businesses do not enjoy the level of privacy that is provided by an offshore business. It's difficult enough to try and determine a company's assets, much less keep them anonymous. The offshore concept provides the anonymity that is oftentimes desired.

Advantage #3 Tax Benefits

The potential tax savings are huge, not to mention enticing, and depending on whose jurisdiction you form your business in, these savings could be of significant proportions. In a few cases, there is no tax at all. You will need to put in some time performing due diligence and research on this benefit, as the benefits vary widely from on jurisdiction to the next.

What are the disadvantages of forming a company offshore? Again, there are three major issues to consider when looking at setting up a company in an offshore setting, but then again, you can't have the advantages without some disadvantages.

Disadvantage #1 Appraisals and Financing

The offshore concept provides you with privacy, but the major drawback to this benefit is that it also makes it difficult for the potential financial partners or investors to determine what your business is actually worth. In addition to this, lenders are more likely to be hesitant in approving or granting financial assistance to a business that is out of their "reach".

Disadvantage #2 Limitations

Some offshore companies may be limited in their activities due to restrictions that are placed on them by the United States as well as other jurisdictions. Trade benefits that are designed to help US companies may not be available to you due to your offshore registration. Again, research this issue as it can be a drawback depending on your industry.

Disadvantage #3 Perception

As was mentioned above, the offshore concept is not always held in the highest regard due to the media only reporting bad cases so incorporate with care and privacy.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Forex Technical Analysis in Non Technical Terms

By: Sara Patterson

What is technical analysis and why should you care? Well, let’s start with the fact that what separates Forex from gambling is the fact the in Black Jack or poker, the hand you receive from the dealer is purely and completely based on luck. There is absolutely no way to decipher what your hand will be (unless you know how to count cards), and therefore, there is nothing you can do to be prepared.

Forex, on the other hand offers you the ability to predict with high probability what the future will bring for a currency. Now, of course, there are no guarantees, and it is very possible that based on your analysis, you predict the currency will go one way, and it ends up going the other. However, the Forex experts out there, who truly know how to analyze the charts, will make predictions that are accurate 7 out of 10 times, and sometimes even more.

The basic principle of Forex technical analysis is of course the famous saying “The trend is your friend”. What does that mean? Well, in ultra simple terms, it means that there is no real reason to assume a current trend will reverse itself without a driving force. Just like in life, an action brings a reaction, and without the action of a news announcement or a financial event, no reason the reaction of a trend reversal should take place.

Having said that, the analysts who are followers of the fundamental school of thought will uproot the claim that a trend reversal is unlikely by proving that all trends eventually come to an end or even worse, reverse themselves. The US Dollar might go up against the EUR, but eventually it will stop, even if there is no major announcement.

It is for this reason that the real Forex experts out there will tell you that technical analysis alone is an insufficient tool for Forex traders. It is only half the equation. Forex charts and trends should receive the attention they deserve, but only in the context of fundamental analysis on the side.

A Forex trader who wishes to succeed should pay close attention to the charts with one eye, and the other eye should be focused on the financial news site or channel. Even once you do that, there still are no guarantees, but your chances of success cannot be compared to your chances in a casino. In fact, once you use technical and fundamental analysis properly to analyze the Forex market, your chances of success are much more similar to a meteorologist accurately predicting tomorrow’s weather. It may not be 100% but it's a definite science that is often on the mark.

See real-life instances in which traders used Forex technical analysis to trade profitably.

Sara Patterson

Sara Patterson has a Master’s Degree in political science and enjoys analyzing both current events and the international markets to get a fuller perspective of the currency market. Before turning to financial writing, she taught English writing skills to high-school age students. Sara’s work has been published on various financial and Forex blogs.

View the original article here


Liechtenstein Prensliği bir küçük Avrupa ülkesi olarak, coğrafi konumu, iç ve dış politikası, hukuki ve ekonomik çerçeve koşulları ile yüksek kaliteli bir ekonomik faaliyet merkezi konumundadır. İsviçre ile özel ilişkileri ve aynı zamanda Avrupa Ekonomi Alanına (EWR) üyeliği sanayi, ticaret ve finansal hizmetleri ile yabancı yatırımcılar için geniş ve ilginç bir faaliyet alanı yaratmaktadır.

Mükemmel bir Finans Merkezi

Liechtenstein yatırımcı şirketler konusunda modern bir yasaya sahip olup, menkul değerler, sigortacılık ve gayrimenkuller ile diğer yatırım işlemleri için cazip olanaklar sunmaktadır.

Liechtenstein’ın Faaliyet Konumu Avantajları

  • İstikrarlı sosyal, hukuki ve ekonomik bir düzen
  • Yüksek derecede siyasal süreklilik ve istikrar
  • Liberal bir Ekonomi Politikası
  • Liberal bir Şirketler Hukuku
  • Şirketler için düşük vergilendirme
  • Kamu bütçelerinde sağlam finansal politika
  • Yasal ödeme aracı olarak güçlü İsviçre Frankı
  • Esneklik ve kısa sürede karar alma olanağı sağlamaya uygun gözlem boyutları
  • Kamu maliyesinde büyük sermaye gücü
  • Özel alanları yüksek seviyede koruyan bir bankalar yasası
  • Moody's und Standard &Poor's tarafından verilen AAA ülke reytingleri
  • Avrupa’ya uygun niş ürünleri